Subject: Virgo Full Moon ✮ Saturn in Aquarius ✮ Weekly Forecast & More

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Dear Stargazers,

There's a lot happening during the coming weeks, including tomorrow's Supermoon in Virgo, the Sun's ingress into Aries and Saturn's ingress into Aquarius.

Plus, in a refreshing change of pace, there are more "best days" during this period than "best avoided" ones.

So let's get to it!
March 8 - 22

All dates are given in the Eastern Time zone.


Mar. 09: Full moon in Virgo
Mar. 09: Mercury stations direct in Aquarius
Mar. 16: Mercury enters Pisces
Mar. 19: Sun enters Aries (Vernal Equinox)
Mar. 21: Saturn enters Aquarius


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Mar. 13, 14, 17, 22


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Mar. 09, 20


Mar. 11: Sun sextile Jupiter
Mar. 14: Mars sextile Neptune
Mar. 14: Sun sextile Pluto
Mar. 19: Sun sextile Saturn
Mar. 20: Mars conjunct Jupiter
Mar. 22: Mercury sextile Uranus
Mar. 22: Venus sextile Neptune
Full Moon Supermoon at 19°37' VIRGO
March 9, 2020 | 1:48 PM 
Washington, DC

This month's full moon is a supermoon, which means the full moon is occurring within 90 percent of the Moon's perigee (closest point to the earth). As a result, it will appear approximately 14% larger and 30% brighter in the sky.

There are several supermoons every year. Given that the full moon supermoon is closer to the earth than usual, its gravitational influence on the tides is stronger, and astrologically speaking, its energy is intensified.

Full moons bring things to light, to a boil or to fruition, which is why it's common for decisions or conclusions to coincide with them. However, with Mercury still retrograde at the time of this full moon, full-moon related events may be delayed a bit.

What kind of events? Well, with the full moon opposing Neptune (confusion, duplicity, scandal), it's possible that a deception will come to light. Since the moon represents emotions, its opposition to Neptune could also expose previously hidden feelings of guilt, remorse or sadness. If so, take heart because the moon's flowing aspects (trines) to Jupiter (optimism) and Pluto (regeneration) promise a happy ending, but again, it may come a little later rather than sooner.

That being said, I expect this full moon to deliver good news to most of you, and not in spite of the full moon's opposition to Neptune but rather because of it.

Yep, that's what I said.

You see, while hard energy is often challenging, it also provokes action so when there are trines involved as well, the hard energy helps them blossom.

In this case, the full moon opposes Neptune while it trines Jupiter and Pluto, and even better, Neptune is simultaneously sextiling Pluto (which is trining the Moon). 

Again, with Mercury retrograde, the news you've been waiting for or the event you've been hoping (and maybe praying) for may be delayed. 

Also, there could be other factors influencing your personal horoscope that could influence it for better or worse, but overall I fully expect this full moon to deliver the goods even if it's a bit belated.
Getting Personal

If you don't know which house holds 19°37' of Virgo in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out which house the full moon falls in your solar chart. Since a full moon involves the sun and the moon, be sure to consider the life areas ruled by the opposite house as well.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition). Read the 12th house as well.
Taurus, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment). Read the 11th house as well.
Gemini, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents). Read the 10th house as well.
Cancer, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.). Read the 9th house as well.
Leo, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets). Read the 8th house as well.
Virgo, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life). Read the 7th house as well.
Libra, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions). Read the 6th house as well.
Scorpio, it falls in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues). Read the 5th house as well.
Sagittarius, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation). Read the 4th house as well.
Capricorn, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing). Read the 3rd house as well.
Aquarius, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters). Read the 2nd house as well.
Pisces, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients). Read the 1st house as well.

Releasing with the Virgo Moon

You can release anything under any full moon, but when it's saturated in Virgo energy, it's especially helpful for releasing:

Negative beliefs or attitudes connected to employment, serving others, your health, healing, nutrition, diet, exercise, co-workers, employees and pets.

Traits and tendencies to be critical, sarcastic, bitter, cynical, apathetic, anxious, irritable, fussy, judgmental or a martyr.

March 16 - April 11

On March 16, Mercury re-enters Pisces where it gives us another chance for our creative abilities and intuition to blossom. Also, since Mercury rules the conscious mind and physical health and Pisces presides over the subconscious mind and emotional health, this energy is excellent for implementing a healthier diet or exercise routine, studying the mind-body connection, practicing meditation or talk therapy.

With your competitive spirit, passionate nature and burning need to be the best, you're always up to the challenge whether it's the game room, the boardroom or the bedroom. With incredible self-confidence and courage to spare, you're here to show us how to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Each year, the March equinox marks the exact moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north.

In doing so, it declares the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in the southern one.

It also marks the Aries ingress, which kicks off a new astrological year.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, and especially those who experience four distinct seasons, spring heralds a time of birth and rebirth. For our southern neighbors, autumn is a time of reflection and transition as summer fades and winter beckons.

Although the March equinox coincides with different physical seasons depending on where one lives in the world, it brings the same metaphysical season to everyone no matter which hemisphere we call home.

As the transiting Sun, which represents our conscious will, enters the sign that owns the key phrase "I AM", it reminds us that we all have the power to initiate, create and manifest our dreams.

If you're not where you want to be in life or have yet to achieve a heart-felt desire, it's time to embrace the bold, decis
ive and never-say-die energy of the Ram and make it so.
March 21 - July 21

On March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius and while its visit will be brief (it exits on July 21), it will offer many of you a preview of what to expect when it travels through the sign from December 17, 2020 until  March 7, 2023. 

If you were born during the first four days of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, or you have any planets at 0°- 3° of these signs, you can expect to feel Saturn's influence. More specifically for those who fall in this categories:

If Aquarius, Saturn is conjuncting your Sun. This means you're wrapping up a cycle and depending on your past performance, you may be on your way to a significant achievement or you could find yourself regrouping and starting over in some way.

If Leo, Saturn is opposing your Sun. Consequently, you'll probably feel restricted in some area of your life. For you, it's time to reassess who and what stays and who and what needs to go. 

If Taurus or Scorpio, Saturn is squaring your Sun. This means you're likely to feel challenged in some area of your life. If you're on the wrong path, you'll encounter setbacks but if you're on the right one, the challenges will help propel you to success.

Since Saturn is just dipping its toe into the sign, I'm not going into painstaking detail about its influence on every sign/house now. However, I will discuss it further in a podcast that will be out later this week.

What can society expect from Saturn in Aquarius? Well, Aquarius rules technology, outer space and independence, and the last time Saturn was there:
  • unrestricted commercial use of the Internet was made available
  • blue roses were genetically engineered
  • the Space Shuttle Atlantis spent almost 7 days in space and returned its 7-man crew safely to Earth
  • 10 nations gained their independence when the Soviet Union ceased to exist. 
That's just for starters. I'll be sharing more of Saturn's history in Aquarius, as well as what I expect it to bring, during this week's episode of the Shortcut to the Soul podcast.

If you enjoy Instagram, I invite you to follow me @clairvoyantdebra for content that I generally don't post anywhere else.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© 2020 Debra Anne Clement. All Rights Reserved.
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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