Subject: Saturn, Saturn, Saturn ✨ Your Daily Astrology Forecast 💫

Dear Stargazers,

The big news this week is that Saturn stations direct, and as I began to write about it I was reminded of how many people, including a hefty number of my clients, are far more concerned about being tested by Saturn than being blindsided by Uranus, bewildered by Neptune or crushed by Pluto.

Maybe it's because Saturn and its reputation for being a firm taskmaster gets more hype than the challenging influences associated with the modern planets. Then again, since Saturn cycles are shorter in duration, maybe it's because everyone experiences more of them. After all, one has to live to be 84 years old to experience a Uranus return, and only our chart can experience a Neptune or Pluto return because we're dead by the time it happens.

Still, and perhaps it's because of my Capricorn Sun, I love Saturn transits because you know exactly what to expect from them. 

Although Saturn tests us through house transits, the pressure is really on when it makes a hard aspect to a planet or sensitive point in the horoscope. Whether it's a conjunction, an opposition or a square, when Saturn comes to call it's time for a reality check, and that's when we learn whether our past decisions were rooted in wisdom or folly.

If we made the right choices, and depending upon the aspect, this reality check either motivates us to keep moving forward or rewards us with success.

I can't begin to recount how many times I've witnessed clients, as well as public figures experience great success when Saturn made a square to their Suns or their Midheavens. And in every case, the success was earned. On a personal note, I published my first law review article when Saturn squared my Sun, and trust me when I tell you I worked for it.

However, if it turns out that we missed the mark, Saturn's reality check is quite the bummer. To succeed, we need to identify our missteps and take responsibility for them. Once we do, it's time to assess if it's possible to reorganize and rebuild on a stronger foundation or whether we need to scrap it entirely, cut our losses and start something new from scratch.

Whether you rise or fall, with Saturn you always reap what you sow. It's that simple, and that's why it's much easier to predict with Saturn than it is to do so with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.

That said, my article below about Saturn's direct motion speaks to house transits, not aspects. How much (or how little) you feel its influence at this time depends upon what else (if anything) it is doing in your personal horoscope.

And now let's take a peek at the upcoming week!

All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, October 30. Unless you're an early riser (or are located a few hours west of the Eastern time zone), the morning hours are largely influenced by a void Moon (7:36 AM - 11:08 AM), an energy best used for spiritual work and/or routine matters.

Although you may be ready to hit the ground running when the transiting Moon enters fast-paced Gemini (11:08 AM), its tension-producing clash with Saturn suggests that something (or someone) may not be ready or available.

Fortunately, this influence is over by 1 PM, at which point you should find it much easier to gain momentum and if need be, make up for a slow start.


Tuesday, October 31. If you're feeling more restless and/or sociable than usual, you can chalk it up to the combined influence of the transiting Gemini Moon, which encourages you to get out and about, and the Venus-Uranus trine, which inspires you to break with your routine and seek out something new and exciting.

Although some Venus-Uranus aspects can be disruptive, that's not the case today. In fact, the effortless flow between them suggests that a new interest, relationship or purchase (goods or a service) could make you feel like a million bucks.

Given that today is Halloween, some of you might be enjoying a social event and/or spiritual activity that that will be a new experience for you. If so, the odds are high that you'll enjoy it so much that you'll want to do it again next year.

Wednesday, November 1. Despite the lengthy void moon (8:37 AM - 5:31 PM), this can be a very productive day provided you focus your attention on tasks and projects that do not require a definite outcome. In other words, this is an excellent day to catch up on routine paperwork, housework and anything else that doesn't involve important decisions.

If you do need to make a decision, submit an online application or shop for a specific product, do so after the transiting Moon enters Cancer (5:31 PM).

Thursday, November 2. An abundant flow of positive energy from the transiting Cancer Moon to the Sun, Jupiter and Mars makes this an excellent day for taking steps that can advance your career, improve your health or enhance your life in any way. These influences also support interior decorating and home improvement projects.

Friday, November 3. It's very important to stay grounded in reality today or the combined influence of the Sun-Jupiter and Venus-Neptune oppositions could easily lead you astray.

Whereas the Sun-Jupiter opposition promotes confidence, optimism and enthusiasm, the Venus-Neptune opposition promotes gullibility where love and money are concerned. Sine these influences are occurring simultaneously, there is an increased risk for blind optimism.

If you're asked to make an important decision today, the best course of action is to request more time to consider the matter. In fact, it's best to avoid making any decisions today, especially if they involve money or relationships, because the Venus-Neptune opposition warns against deception (including self-deception).

At 11:28 PM, the transiting Cancer Moon goes void.

Saturday, November 4. Today's Mercury-Uranus opposition is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this planetary combination can promote inspired thinking, innovative ideas and intuitive insights.

On the other hand, it can promote nervous tension, impatience, jumping to conclusions and unfiltered/profane speech. It is also known to coincide with interruptions, as well as driving mishaps. And on that note, since Mercury rules all forms of ground transportation, that includes bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades et al.

Either way, when you factor in the passionate, willful influence of the transiting Leo Moon (3:21 AM), its easy to see how its expression could be amplified.

Fortunately, the first step towards avoiding the potential downside of this influence is to be aware of it, and the second step is to employ a bit of self-discipline before reacting/acting to people or circumstances (such as interruptions or a sudden change of plans).

If you do, there's an excellent chance you'll have an enjoyable and inspiring, day.

Transiting Saturn stations direct at 1:17 AM. Details below.

Sunday, November 5. While the influence of the transiting Leo Moon is typically a vibrant, creative and playful one, there's a thin-skinned side to its nature that is quick to take offense, quick to anger and quick to make a scene.

Given the inflammatory nature of today's aspects from the transiting Leo Moon to Mars and then Uranus, this is likely to be one of those days.

Although it's likely to be viewed by others as a minor event, there's a good possibility that someone will test your patience, give you a backhanded compliment or make an outright dig at you.

And in view of the day's energy, you're not likely to let it go.

How you react will determine whether you'll view this day as a pleasant one or an aggravating one. To be clear, this isn't to say that you should let it go, because the truth is there are some things that just shouldn't be ignored.

Rather, if you do find yourself involved in some type of emotional confrontation, make your point and end the conversation. If you don't, it will continue to escalate and can potentially ruin your day.


November 4, 2023

Whether it's moving direct or retrograde, the house in your natal chart that holds transiting Saturn reveals one or more life areas that can expect to be tested during its visit there.

When Saturn is transiting direct, its tests are experienced through external events that, depending upon your personal horoscope chart, may be of a financial, physical, relationship or professional nature.

When it's transiting retrograde, as it has been the case since June 17, you're dealing with these tests on an internal level. During this time, it's about reflecting upon what failed, what is currently hanging on by a thread and whether any of it can (or should) be saved.

Most of all, you're pondering where you should go from here, because when Saturn stations direct on November 4, it's time for you to move forward as well.

That said, as Saturn continues in forward motion until June 29, 2024, it will continue to test you along the way as it prods you to get clear about what needs to stay, what needs to go and what needs to be restructured.

If you pay attention and make appropriate changes, you can expect to earn Saturn's stamp of approval.

If you haven't, when it stations retrograde next year, you can expect to find yourself right back where you started, because Saturn only allows you to reap what you sow.

And no amount of whining will ever change its mind.

So where is Saturn moving forward in your horoscope?

If you don't know which house holds 0°31' of Pisces in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where Saturn is moving forward according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Sun sign is:


Aries, Saturn is in your 12th house of secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.

Taurus, Saturn is in your 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Gemini, Saturn is in your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Cancer, Saturn is in your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.

Leo, Saturn is in your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Virgo, Saturn is in your 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships.

Libra, Saturn is in your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Scorpio, Saturn is in your 5th house of romance, children, creativity.

Sagittarius, Saturn is in your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Capricorn, Saturn is in your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Aquarius, the Saturn is in your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Pisces, Saturn is in your 1st house: it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical body and appearance.


To those of you who celebrate, Valentino and I wish you a very happy Halloween!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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