Subject: Radical Full Moon Brings Change ✦ Astrology School Update ✦ Weekly Forecast & More

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Dear Stargazers,

Although my Mars in Aries Forecast for All 12 Signs | Rising Signs video is a bit late (Mars entered Aries on June 27), since it will be in the sign of the Ram until January 7, 2021 the information will be useful for quite some time.

This lengthy Mars cycle will impact everyone, and for many by design or default, you'll be starting something new. Click here to find out what Mars will be activating in your life for the next SIX months!

Astrology School Update

Registration for classes will open this month. For those of you who are interested in practicing astrology professionally, I'm offering a certification option that offers the opportunity to be promoted | referred by me. Although I've held off, the time is coming when I'm going to need to close my list. Also, while I have no immediate plans to retire (or die), eventually it becomes time to pass the torch and when it does, I want to know that my clients are in good hands!


I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has already subscribed to my channel. If you watch any of my videos, please subscribe to the channel, share it on social media and recommend it to your friends and family. While I'm good with viewing hours, I need to reach 1,000 subscribers before the end of the year in order to be able to monetize the channel. 

During the past 12 years, I've given thousands of dollars worth of free astrology lessons and readings via my radio show, podcasts and guest appearances. These weekly videos (this week 2 more will be dropping) take a lot of time, and to be honest with you, if I don't qualify to monetize them via YouTube soon then I need to either stop doing them or start charging for them (e.g., Patreon). I would much rather continue to put them out there for free and with your help, I'll be able to continue to do so. As always, I appreciate your support. Subscribe here.
August 3 - 9

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Aug. 03:  Full Moon in Aquarius
Aug. 04:  Mercury enters Leo
Aug. 07:  Venus enters Cancer


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

August 5, 6


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

August 3, 9


Aug. 03:  Mercury opposite Saturn
Aug. 04:  Mars square Jupiter
August 3, 2020 | 11:59 AM
Washington, DC

With this month's full moon in Aquarius squaring Uranus, for many of you the urge to make a radical change in your circumstances or relationships will be hard to resist. In fact, by the time the full moon occurs, a good number of you will have already done so.

While the square between the Sun and Uranus promotes self-interest and the desire to express yourself authentically and unapologetically, the square between the Moon and Uranus fuels your need for freedom and independence. It also adds a sense of urgency that may inspire outbursts, dramatic declarations and swift actions that are likely to take people by surprise.

With Mercury (communications) in Cancer opposing Saturn (limitation) in Capricorn, you're likely to feel that drastic action is warranted because talking has gotten you nowhere. Enter Uranus, which is provoking the Sun (ego) and the Moon (emotions), and you can see how such frustration can lead to impulsive decisions, extreme actions and dramatic exits.

Although it can be upsetting, for some of you this day has been a long time coming and is happening now because this energy is the cosmic kick in the pants you needed to finally take a stand. 

While everyone will experience this energy to varying degrees, if you're born with a planet or sensitive point at or near 11° of Aquarius, Leo or Taurus, you'll feel its influence more strongly because one of the planets (the Moon, Sun or Uranus) will be conjunct (triggering) it. 

If you happen to have a planet or sensitive point at or near 11° Scorpio, this transiting T-Square becomes a Fixed Cross in your chart and you'll feel even more pressure to make a change, take a stand or liberate yourself in some way.

Given the tense, impulsive and fixed (stubborn) nature of the energy, a rational, calm and flexible approach will help keep any upsets or surprising events from morphing into a full-blown crisis.
Getting Personal

If you don't know which house holds 11°46' of Aquarius in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out which house the full moon falls in your solar chart. Since a full moon involves the sun and the moon, be sure to consider the life areas ruled by the opposite house as well.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, the full moon falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships. Red the 5th house as well.
, the full moon falls in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame. Read the 4th house as well.
Gemini, the full moon falls in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing. Read the 3rd house as well.
Cancer, the full moon falls in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation. Read the 2nd house as well.
Leo, the full moon falls in your solar 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships. Read the 1st house as well.
Virgo, the full moon falls in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets. Read the 12th house as well.
Libra, the full moon falls in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity. Read the 11th house as well.
Scorpio, the full moon falls in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition. Read the 10th house as well.
Sagittarius, the full moon falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications. Read the 9th house as well.
Capricorn, the full moon falls in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth. Read the 8th house as well.
Aquarius, the full moon falls in your solar 1st house: it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance. Read the 7th house as well.
Pisces, the full moon falls in your solar 12th house of secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities. Read the 6th house as well.

Releasing with the Aquarius Full Moon

You can release anything under any full moon, but when it's saturated in Aquarius energy, it's especially helpful for releasing:

Negative beliefs or fears connected to hopes, goals, group relationships, colleagues, independence and freedom.

Traits or tendencies to be eccentric, callous, defiant, detached, rebellious, unpredictable or condescending.

August 4 - 19, 2020

After spending several weeks in Cancer’s cozy, quiet and sensitive world, it was time for Mercury to wring out his watery wings and bask in the warmth of the Sun.

From the moment Mercury crossed into the Lion’s den, he felt an urge to polish his wings, clear his throat and take center stage. In Leo, Mercury is confident, authoritative and enjoys the spotlight.  >>Read More.
August 7 - September 6, 2020

After several weeks of non-stop activity in Gemini, it was time for Venus to check out of the sign of perpetual motion and into the cozy, soothing and nurturing atmosphere that Cancer calls home.

Thanks to her rulership of Taurus, Venus has an earthy side that enjoys a comfortable home, hearty meals and well-stocked cupboards. Although she appreciates comfort foods, Venus in Cancer will never be... >>Read More

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© 2020 Debra Anne Clement. All Rights Reserved.
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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