Subject: Planets on the Move ✨ Your Daily Astrology Forecast and More! 💫

Dear Stargazers,

With the exception of the Venus-Pluto square (which could throw some shade your way), this week's daily planetary energy should put a smile 😁on your face.

Why? Because in addition to plenty of support from the lunar influences, Venus and Mars return home to their domiciles (Taurus and Aries), where they feel happy, self-assured and in command.

In other planetary news, Pluto begins a retrograde journey that will lead it back into Capricorn, where it will close the final curtain on an evolutionary cycle. It's all below, so let's get to it!

APRIL 29 - MAY 5, 2024
All dates and times are given in EDT

Monday, April 29

This is an excellent day to pursue your dreams and ambitions. Not only will the transiting Moon in Capricorn help you solidify your position with higher ups, but the lunar aspects suggests that you're likely to come up with an innovative idea that will overcome any objections and enable you to take the ball and run with it.

Tuesday, April 30

After a 1 minute void (that's not a typo), at 11:20 AM the transiting Moon enters the community-minded sign of Aquarius. As a result of this influence, you're likely to be more willing to reach out to others for guidance about a personal or professional matter.

However, although today's lunar aspects support teamwork and foster a sense of camaraderie, you need to exercise good judgment if you plan to ask someone for assistance or you could get stung by the transiting Venus-Pluto square.

Although this aspect technically occurs at 12:15 AM tomorrow when it becomes exact, its influence is in effect today.

Whenever Venus and Pluto square off against each other, their energy often promotes jealousy, resentment, infidelity and backstabbing. As a result, you could inadvertently wind up getting help from someone who is jealous of what you're trying to accomplish and in extreme cases, could try to undermine your success.

All that said, the more likely scenario is that if there are any resentments harbored against you, or alternatively if you harbor any resentments against anyone, you can expect them to be expressed. Although this is more likely to occur in a romantic union than with friends or family, the reality is that all types of relationships are fair game under this influence.

Wednesday, May 1

The good news is that once the Venus-Pluto square becomes exact (12:25 AM), its energy is released and its influence will continue to fade as the day goes on. However, that doesn't mean you're out of the woods yet, because issues related to control, trust and loyalty could still rear their head before the day is over.

Whether it's a lingering issue from yesterday or a new concern today, it's best to clear the air and lay your cards on the table. As long as both parties are honest and don't resort to guilt or manipulation, this energy can help transform the union into a healthier one.

Thursday, May 2

Given that the transiting Aquarius Moon is void from 5:29 AM - 2:52 PM, it's best to avoid activities that require a definite outcome during that time. However, if there is something where the desired outcome is that nothing comes of it (such as a biopsy or dental check up), this is a good time to get it done.

Since the Moon is void for almost all of the traditional work day, it might be a good idea to just make it a catch-up day and tend to important issues tomorrow when the energy will be more supportive for such matters.

Once the transiting Moon enters Pisces at 2:52 PM, it quickly connects with Venus and promotes feelings of affection, which (if appropriate) will help soothe any hard feelings from the past few days. In particular, this is a lovely energy if you need or want to extend an olive branch.

Friday, May 3

This is a good day for taking actions that further your ambitions, or alternatively, for setting new goals. If you already have a definite plan or goal in mind, the motivating influence of today's Mars-Pluto sextile can help propel you towards success.

This influence is also a positive one for recruiting supporters, because while it promotes ambition, it lacks a hard edge that can provoke opposition. 

Saturday, May 4

You're likely to start the day just wanting to relax, and truth be told, many of you will probably opt to take it slow.

However, once the transiting Moon enters Aries at 4:41 PM (void from 3:07 PM), you're likely to have a change of heart that will prompt some type of spontaneous social plans for the evening.

Sunday, May 5

Today's energy is notable because there isn't a single lunar aspect from the transiting Aries Moon, which means you have the pure unadulterated energy of the Ram at your disposal.

And yes, that can cut two ways.

Ideally, you want to tap into the passionate, enterprising and energetic side of its energy rather than the selfish, short-tempered and impulsive side. If you do, you can expect to accomplish quite a bit and should end the day feeling well satisfied. However, should you fall prey to its disagreeable side, you're likely to experience a good bit of frustration end the day with a headache.


April 29 - May 23, 2024

Whenever Venus returns home to Taurus, she takes inventory, settles outstanding accounts and develops investment strategies.

Once that's out of the way, she indulges in a bit of well-earned decadence. Yes, well-earned, because when Venus is in Taurus she isn't an impulsive spender who disregards budgets and racks up credit card debt.

If she can't afford it, she saves for it, and if she can put it on lay-a-way, that works for her, too. And when she's in need of therapy, she enlists the services of a professional counselor, not a personal shopper.

That's why you can be assured that whatever luxuries decorate her home, are worn on her person or are digesting in her stomach, each one has been paid in full.

Because when Venus is in Taurus, she's the epitome of fiscal responsibility.

Ideally speaking, so are you.

If that's the case, this is your time to splurge because you earned it.

If not, then it's time to tap into the wisdom of this cycle, assess your financial situation and take action to treat whatever ails your economic health.

And then even if it's something tiny, treat yourself to something nice.

Because this cycle isn't about deprivation. It's about enjoying the finer things in life that are within your means until you can afford the ones that are beyond them.


April 30 - June 8, 2024

Whenever Mars returns home to Aries, he immediately sets out to blaze new trails, break new ground and set new records.

That the planet of action wastes no time shouldn't come as a surprise. While Mars is never one to sit back, when he's in the sign of the Ram he's especially ambitious, energetic, quick-thinking, fast-acting and competitive.

In fact, his energy is so dynamic that it tends to rub off on anyone who comes in contact with it.

Including you, which is why you're likely to feel inspired, and in some cases even driven, to make a fresh start in some area of your life.

So where are you likely to initiate something new?

Look to the life areas ruled by the house that Mars is visitng in your horoscope. If you don't know where Mars in Aries is visiting in your horoscope, you can read your rising sign if you know it, or you can refer to the list below to find out where it falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Rising Sign or Sun Sign is:

Aries, it’s in your 1st house of the Self, including your approach to life and physical appearance.

Taurus, it’s in your 12th house of secrets, past lives, hidden enemies, healing and psychic abilities.

Gemini, it’s in your 11th house of of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Cancer, it’s in your 10th house of career, authority figures, status and fame

Leo, it’s in your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters, coaches, mentors and publishing.

Virgo, it’s in your 8th house of intimacy, shared assets, other people's support and transformation.

Libra, it’s in your 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, adversaries, competitors and all one-to-one relationships.

Scorpio, it’s in your 6th house of employment, coworkers, employees, health, service and pets.

Sagittarius, it’s in your 5th house of romance, children, creativity and fun.

Capricorn, it’s in your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Aquarius, it’s in your 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Pisces, it’s in your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.


May 2, 2024 • 9:03 AM

On May 2, transiting Pluto will station retrograde at 2°06' Aquarius, and what makes this cycle a particularly significant one is that it marks Pluto's final journey into Capricorn.

After retrograding back into Capricorn on September 1, Pluto will station direct at 29°38' Capricorn on October 11, at which point it will remain at this final degree until it exits the sign on November 19.

That Pluto (power) will be in Capricorn (government) during the November elections makes perfect sense because this election is about far more than simply electing a leader for the next four years.

It's a battle for supremacy.

Nationally and globally, during the past 15 years Pluto has focused its transformative energy on government and big business (Capricorn).

On November 19, Pluto will move into the sign of the Water Bearer, where until 2043 its transformative influence will be focused on humanity (Aquarius).


I'll be back next week with insights into the upcoming Taurus new moon, which promises to be a fortunate one for those of you who want to manifest money!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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