Subject: New Moon ✨ Mercury in Capricorn ✨ Your Daily Forecast💫

Dear Stargazers,

With the exception of a potential Monday morning fumble and (for some of you), a need to navigate Saturday's void moon, the upcoming week should be a good one!

In addition to a favorable New Moon, Mercury returns to Capricorn to finish the job he started back in December, while Mars promotes enthusiasm and self-motivation.

It's all below!

JANUARY 8 - 14, 2024
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, January 8. Given the bewildering influence of today's Mercury-Neptune square, it's best to postpone important discussions, decisions, negotiations and/or agreements. If you can't, it's very important that you listen carefully, pay attention to details and confirm everything in writing.

Whether it's of a personal or a professional nature, avoid taking anyone or anything at face value because misunderstandings are more likely to happen. Even in the best of circumstances, be wary of relying on promises that are made at this time because they're likely to fall short in the future.

Tuesday, January 9. If life has been far too routine for your taste, today's Sun-Uranus trine will help you change things up as it encourages you to try something new. Under this influence, some of you could discover a latent creative or musical talent, while others could feel inspired to meet new friends or pursue an interest as part of a meetup or a community group.

On a different note, with the Mars-Saturn sextile promoting physical activities that require stamina and perseverance, some of you could decide to train for a competitive event such as a marathon or a weight-lifting tournament, while others may decide to commit to a serious exercise program.

The only potential spoiler is the lengthy Void Moon (1:25 PM - 8:34 PM), which warns that nothing lasting is likely to come from any new endeavors you initiate during that time.

On that note, if you need to submit an application, apply for membership or sign up for a gym membership or some type of lessons, be sure to do it before or after the void moon.

At 8:34 PM, the transiting Moon enters Capricorn.

Wednesday, January 10. The morning starts off with a quick succession of fortunate aspects from the transiting Capricorn Moon to Saturn, Mars and Jupiter that set a positive tone for the day.

Endeavors that require (or will benefit) from determination, perseverance and leadership are favored today, and it's also a good day to focus on your professional objectives and/or define your career path.

Thursday, January 11. The New Moon occurs in Capricorn at 6:57 AM. Details below.

The Moon is void from 9:33 PM - 10:02 PM, at which time it enters Aquarius.

Friday, January 12. Enthusiasm and optimism are very high now. In fact, they may even be contagious because when the planet of action (Mars) is in harmony with the planet of abundance, the odds for success look very, very good.

In fact, it's looking so good that some of you may make a bold decision or take a major risk. If that's where you're leaning, it's possible that you could hit a home run. However, don't let your eagerness overpower your good judgment.

Saturday, January 13. If you have plans for today, there's a chance that they could fall through if you need or want a definite result, because the Moon is void all day (5:00 AM - 10:30 PM).

For example, if your intention is to complete a home improvement project today, you might not be able to complete it for any number of reasons, or if you're shopping for clothes or shoes, you may not find your size.

However, as long as you're not focused on a specific outcome, you can have a very enjoyable and/or productive day. In particular, the energy of a void moon is beneficial for catching up on routine tasks, casual social activities and just about anything where there are no expectations.

At 9:50 PM, transiting Mercury enters Capricorn. Details below.

At 10:30 PM, the transiting Moon enters Pisces and ushers in a peaceful influence.

Sunday, January 14. The week concludes on a gentle note as the transiting Moon gently makes its way through Pisces. This easygoing day favors spiritual practice, spending time in nature and any activity that refreshes, soothes or heals your mind, body and soul.


JANUARY 11, 2024 • 6:57 AM

Every Capricorn new moon is infused with practical ambition, making it a perfect time to set intentions for professional achievements. However, what sets this one apart is helpful energy from Neptune that can enhance your vision, as well as a positive influence from Pluto that can help you attract the resources you need in order to succeed.

Whether you want to climb the corporate ladder, be your own boss or make a name for yourself, you can count on this new moon to support your efforts.

As the natural ruler of the 10th house, Capricorn rules much more than your career. It also rules your true calling. Sometimes they're one and the same, sometimes they're interrelated and sometimes they're completely different.

If you are uncertain about your career or your calling, this new moon is perfect for setting an intention to gain clarity. And in this case it's especially so because in just two days, Mercury will lend you an energetic hand when it enters Capricorn.

Getting Personal

So which areas are being targeted for a new beginning by this new moon in your life? They're revealed by the house in your horoscope that's receiving the new moon.

If you don't know which house holds 20°44' of Capricorn in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising Sign or Sun sign is:

Aries, the new moon falls in your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Taurus, the new moon falls in your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.

Gemini, the new moon falls in your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Cancer, the new moon falls in your 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships.

Leo, the new moon falls in your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Virgo, the new moon falls in your 5th house of romance, children, creativity.

Libra, the new moon falls in your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Scorpio, the new moon falls in your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Sagittarius, the new moon falls in your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Capricorn, the new moon falls in your 1st house - it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.

Aquarius, the new moon falls in your 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.

Pisces, the new moon falls in your 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Manifesting with the Capricorn New Moon

You can set any intention under any new moon but when it happens to be in Capricorn, it's especially favorable for:

Actions, intentions and affirmations to promote your sense of perseverance, self-discipline and determination, enhance your reputation, advance your career, clarify your ambitions, improve your relationships with authority figures, and attract skillful builders, contractors, organizers, executives, dentists, chiropractors and orthopedic surgeons.



When Mercury is in Capricorn, he thinks in practical terms, makes cautious decisions and is a clear communicator. He's also organized, focused and comfortable with planning and committing to long-term goals, especially career-related ones.

And while he's here, he's determined to achieve them.

Likewise, during this time your thought process may be more grounded, and you're likely to be more focused on your professional goals.

It's also possible that you will become keenly aware of your reputation.

If you're not happy with how your superiors, co-workers, clients or public opinion view you, tap into this influence to help you come up with a plan to improve your status.

Given the mental ambition of Mercury in Capricorn, this might be the time you decide to write that mission statement, organize a business system or plan an effective strategy for career advancement.

If you have been unsure of your path or your place in the world, a productive use of this period would be to examine your definition of success. Should you discover that you need to revise your plans or relinquish outdated attitudes, you can count on this influence to help you brainstorm ideas, set new goals and make concrete plans for the future.


I'll be back next Sunday with insights into the following week, including the powerful Sun-Pluto conjunction!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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