Subject: Mercury, Mars & A New Evolutionary Cycle ✨ Your Daily Forecast💫

You're receiving this newsletter a day early because I'm off on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

Dear Stargazers,

"The holidays feel weird this year" has been a common sentiment expressed by friends, family and colleagues (as well as many of you) during this holiday season.

If you've been feeling this way, it's because your intuitive antenna senses that 2024 is going to be a transitional year.

It is going to be the bridge between the life we've known (2023) and the life that's coming (2025) when Pluto is settled in Aquarius, Neptune will enter Aries and Uranus will enter Gemini.

We are at the dawn of a new evolutionary cycle, which is why by the time the holiday season rolls around next year, life is going to look different.

And whether this reality fills you with excitement or apprehension, it's important to realize your soul chose to be a part of it.

That's why for the first time ever I decided to do an annual forecast event. It's also why for the first time ever, I'm urging you to sign up for an offering.

If you're a long-time subscriber, you know I've never been about the hard sell. I put it out there, remind you once or twice and call it a day.

But this is different, because this cycle affects everyone.

If you can't attend live, or if you can't stay for the entire presentation (especially if it runs over), you'll have access to the recording for an entire year. This means you can watch it at your leisure, as well as revisit it throughout the year.

It's a small investment for the year of predictive insights and guidance that you'll gain from it.

Which is why more than half of the spots are already gone.

I won't be selling the recording after the event is over, so if you don't want to miss out, you need to click here now and reserve your spot before they're all gone.

JANUARY 1 - 7, 2024
All dates and times are given in EST.

Monday, January 1 

Today's challenging Venus-Saturn square suggests that money - earning and/or saving more of it - is likely to be at the top of your new year's resolutions.

This aspect also speaks to relationships. If you experienced some type of romantic disappointment this holiday season, you're likely to spend some time reevaluating the future of this union.

On the other hand, if the holiday season brought you a romantic commitment, your attention will likely be focused on wedding expenses.

Lastly, whenever Venus and Saturn clash in this way, there's a possibility that your self-esteem could take a hit if you feel you haven't lived up to your (or someone else's) expectations. Should you find yourself in such a position, resist the temptation to beat yourself up and instead use this energy to clarify what you want and discern what you need to do in order to achieve it.

Mercury stations direct at 10:06 PM EST. Details below.

Tuesday, January 2

If you're headed back to work after the holiday weekend, the influences from the transiting Virgo Moon imply that you may have to scramble a bit (or take a shorter lunch) in order to get everything done before the end of the day. If so, you can expect your extra efforts to be successful, and you'll be rewarded with a clear head today and a lighter workload tomorrow.

After a brief void (6:37 PM- 7:48 PM), the transiting Moon moves into Libra and ushers in a peaceable energy that sets the tone for the next two days.

Wednesday, January 3 

If you need to enlist help from your coworkers to meet a deadline or want to garner support to help you win a promotion, today's gracious Libra Moon will help you rally the troops to your side.

Generally speaking, you can expect people to be more accommodating today, so if you need to ask for assistance, permission or even a personal favor, this is a good time to do so.

And since this influence favors social activities, this can be a good day to mix business with pleasure by inviting someone to go out to lunch or dinner.

Thursday, January 4

Yesterday's cooperative spirit and good will continues to flows today, and with it comes more opportunities to build personal and professional alliances.

In fact, you may decide to delegate or postpone a task or two so you can free up your schedule to pursue social, networking or other relationship-building activities.

On a different note, some of you may feel more attuned to the self-indulgent vibe of the transiting Libra Moon. If so, you'll probably want to do something nice for yourself.

Friday, January 5

As the transiting Moon enters Scorpio (7:40 AM) , it introduces a focused influence that makes this an excellent day for matters that require concentration, determination and the ability to work on one's own.

Although the intentional nature of this lunar influence supports any type of endeavor, career and business affairs are likely to benefit the most thanks to an energetic boost from Mars in Capricorn (9:50 AM) that favors professional matters.

Transiting Mars enters Capricorn at 9:50 AM EST. Details below.

Saturday, January 6 

This is a good day to clean out your closets, home or office and then donate, recycle or otherwise dispose of things that have no longer interest you or have outlived their purpose.

It's also a good time for engaging in introspection, meditation and mindfulness exercises to clear out any emotional or spiritual clutter.

The only potential downside is the possibility of an unexpected curve ball during the evening hours (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM). Should one come your way, you may need to back out of an event, scrap a plan or make a list-minute change to your schedule. If so, it's best to address it quickly so you can move on and not spend the rest of the evening dwelling on it.

Sunday, January 7

As long as you avoid making important decisions or engaging in activities that require a definite outcome during the void moon (3:22 PM - 4:09 PM), this can be a successful day for plowing through a to-do list.

This is also a favorable day for connecting with others on a deep level. Whether it's a close friend or a romantic partner, you're likely to find it easier to have a meaningful conversation. On a similar note, you may feel drawn to esoteric, occult or mystical studies.

At 4:09 PM, the transiting Moon enters the upbeat sign of Sagittarius and the evening ends on an optimistic note.


January 1 - 13, 2024

Following a brief retrograde stint in Capricorn, Mercury returned to Sagittarius for a second look at his philosophical beliefs and other assorted 9th house matters.

And, after some additional reflection, he was ready to station direct and move forward with confidence in his convictions.

During this time, many of you may have felt called to reexamine your belief systems so that like Mercury, you would be ready to move forward knowing exactly where you stand on them.

Woo hoo! The annual Mercury Retrograde Calendar is posted on my website. Click here to see when Mercury will be retrograde in 2024.



On January 4, transiting Mars enters Capricorn, where he will spend the next six weeks climbing the ladder of success.

And so will you.

Mind you, it may not be connected to your career or your professional ambitions, but there will be something on your radar that you'll want to achieve before this cycle is over.

For example, if Mars is in your 1st house, it might be about a new appearance.
In the 2nd, it could be about getting a raise.

In the 3rd, you could be working towards a driver's license.

In the 4th, it could be a home improvement project.

In the 5th, you could be trying to get pregnant.

In the 6th, you could have your eye on a new job.

In the 7th, it could be a marriage proposal.

In the 8th, you might be seeking a mortgage.

In the 9th, you could have your sights set on an overseas trip.

In the 10th, it could be starting your own business.

In the 11th, you could be pursuing admission to a country club.

In the 12th, it could be about developing your spiritual gifts.

These are just a few practical examples. As you know, every house in the horoscope rules many different life areas. Check the list below for more ideas about how Mars in Capricorn might be showing up in your life.

If you don't know where Mars in Capricorn is visiting in your chart, you can refer to the list below to find out where it is according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below to find it according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising or Sun sign is:

Aries, Mars is visiting your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Taurus, Mars is visiting your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.

Gemini, Mars is visiting your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Cancer, Mars is visiting your 7th house of lawsuits, clients and one-to-one relationships.

Leo, Mars is visiting your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Virgo, Mars is visiting your 5th house of romance, children and creativity.

Libra, Mars is visiting your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Scorpio, Mars is visiting your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation, writing and all types of communications.

Sagittarius, Mars is visiting your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Capricorn, Mars is visiting your 1st house, which represents your approach to life and physical appearance.

Aquarius, Mars is visiting your 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives, healing, imagination and psychic abilities.

Pisces, Mars is visiting your 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.


On December 23, my dear friend and colleague Anthony Morgann passed away. I met Anthony, a gifted psychic medium and spiritual teacher, through Anchored in Astrology, and many of you are familiar with him from his appearance on Shortcut to the Soul.

The very first messages I ever received from the spirit world came spontaneously from one of Anthony's loved ones in May 2013. He always encouraged me to embrace my gift and offered guidance in those early days to help me develop it.

A few years later, he sought my guidance for an astrology section in his book, Journey of a Spiritual Light Messenger (2018).

Anthony was more than just a gifted light worker. He was a beautiful and highly-evolved soul. As his husband Steve so eloquently wrote:

As many of you know who followed his posts, he was not concerned about his transitioning. I miss him dearly, he taught me that this life is to learn lessons of love and compassion. As he always said, “It is the only thing we take with us when we leave this plane.”

Fly with the angels, my friend. You did Capricorn proud.


Next Sunday, I'll be in your inbox with insights and guidance about the upcoming Capricorn new moon, and I'll also be online at Noon EST to talk about The Astrology of 2024.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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