Subject: Major Cosmic Shift! ✨ Your Weekly Forecast & More💫

Dear Stargazers,

This week's cosmic headliner is the June Solstice, because no matter which hemisphere you call home, the Sun's ingress into Cancer signals a major energetic shift.

Although the energy shifts every time the Sun changes signs, the influence of its ingress into a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) is stronger because these signs lead us into new seasons and new cycles of activity.

When the Sun enters the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), we are immersed in the energy and activities of the season.

When the Sun enters the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), we are transitioning out of the energy and activities of the season.

And then a new one begins.

Like me, most of you are welcoming summer, but I know many you are welcoming winter. Either way, the solstice is a celebration of the Sun. As the heart and soul of the horoscope, it represents the creative life force and describes our sense of individuality, purpose and free will.

So whether you're celebrating the longest day or the shortest day, take some time to acknowledge your accomplishments, your aspirations and what fills you with the most satisfaction and gratitude.

Looking at the rest of the week, you'll need to be mindful of some very blurry energy next Sunday (June 25), but first you'll want to take advantage of tomorrow's (Monday) wonderful influence. 😎

JUNE 19 - 25, 2023
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, June 19. For some of you, today will be a banner day thanks to a significant opportunity that comes your way courtesy of Jupiter's sextile to Saturn. Whenever the planet of expansion is working in harmony with the planet of achievement, the potential for long-term growth is strong. While this can apply to all areas of life, this aspect is especially favorable for professional endeavors. The key to making the most of this influence is to be alert to possibilities and when you spot one, act on it!


Tuesday, June 20. Although the overall flow of the day is easy, the influence of the transiting Cancer Moon is a nostalgic one that could stir up some bittersweet memories that put you in a melancholy mood. If so, it's just temporary. Once the transiting Moon moves into exhuberant Leo (6:05 PM), your spirits will start to rise.


Wednesday, June 21. Happy Solstice! The Sun moves into Cancer today and whether you're welcoming summer or winter, you can count on the transiting Leo moon to add a vibrant note to the day. With Mercury and Mars teaming up to help conversations flow, this is a positive day for important discussions. This energy can help you get your point across clearly without coming across as pushy or adversarial.


Thursday, June 22. Energetically speaking, this is a high-octane day, which is why many of you will feel inspired to pursue something that ignites your passion and/or allows you to express yourself without reservation. For some of you, this could be the day you try something that was previously out of your comfort zone. While this could be a very enjoyable experience, there's an impulsive undercurrent that could have a detrimental influence on your judgment, so think twice before engaging in anything that carries a high risk or is of an extreme nature.

Friday, June 23. In contrast to yesterday's fun-loving energy, today begins on a responsible note as the transiting Moon enters Virgo (6:36 AM) and says it's time to put away your toys and get back to work. Fortunately, the Moon's pleasant relationship with the transiting Cancer Sun means you're able to work at your own pace work, and the day ends on a high note.

Saturday, June 24. What makes this day a notable one is the complete absence of even a single aspect between the transiting Virgo moon and another planet. As a result, you can expect to feel the Maiden's influence quite strongly, and while that includes her hardworking, efficient and detail-oriented nature. The best use of this energy is to focus on practical matters, routine chores physical exercise, pet care and anything that has been neglected on your to-do list. If you do, you can expect to end the day with a sense of accomplishment.


Sunday, June 25. The week ends on a fuzzy note due to some crossed wires between Mercury and Neptune, which means things could be a bit hazy for you as well. Things aren't always what they seem under this influence, so it's best not to take anyone or anything at face value. It's also best not to make any promises or commitments (or rely on any made by others today) because they may not pan out as planned. Whenever Mercury and Neptune are at odds, there's a greater risk of misunderstandings and disappointments.

Since Neptune can make mountains out of molehills, it's not unusual for this energy to promote feelings of anxiety or fear about real or imagined concerns. If you experience this side of its energy, the way to shake off its fear-mongering influence is to gain an objective perspective. If you don't have someone to help you sort it out, you can achieve some emotional distance from the situation by imagining it was happening to a friend or loved one and evaluating the matter from that point of view.

That said, if you're consciously aware of the influence and are mindful of its caveats, you should come through the day unscathed.

June 21, 2023 • 10:58 AM EDT

The June solstice occurs when the Sun enters Cancer, and here in the northern hemisphere, it marks the longest day and the beginning of summer. It ushers in a time to venture out of our homes, socialize with others, connect with nature and enjoy the bounty of the season.

Physically, the Sun sustains life by providing light and heat. Astrologically, it represents our free will and creative abilities, including the ability to give birth on physical, intellectual and artistic levels.

But perhaps most important, the Sun signifies one’s soul, that immortal part of us that can never be broken or destroyed.

And that’s why the summer solstice is a celebration of life.

In the southern hemisphere, the June solstice marks the shortest day and the beginning of winter. It ushers in a time to withdraw into our homes, look within and connect with our higher selves and appreciate the stillness.

The winter solstice marks the rebirth of the Sun, because from this point forward, the days begin to grow longer.

That’s why the winter solstice is a celebration of the light that dwells within us. It honors our ability to reawaken, emerge from darkness and experience renewal.

Whether you’re welcoming summer or winter, may the Solstice bring a new cycle of peace into your life.


Happy birthday to everyone born under the Cancer Sun!

As the fourth sign of the zodiac, you're here to show us how to trust our intuition, connect with our ancestors, create our tribe and put down roots.

Wishing each one of you a brilliant solar return!

Wishing all who celebrate a very happy day!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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