Subject: Lunar Eclipse ⭐ Special Offer! ⭐ Weekly Forecast & More

Dear Stargazers,

As promised, this newsletter is a few days early to be sure you have the Gemini lunar eclipse insights in a timely manner.

But first, while it's never been my habit to promote products in my newsletters, my experience with Valerie Graham's Krystal Blue's energetic gemstone roll-ons has been SO awesome that I wanted to share them with you.

I've been a fan of these long-lasting energetic roll-ons for some time (Stress-Free + Lapis is my absolute favorite). Recently, I decided to try the Bye Bye Pain + Adventurine CBD roll-on and was amazed when my shoulder pain vanished immediately after using it.

There are many formulas to choose from, including ones to boost the immune system, as well as a new Chakra roll-on set. There's also a variety of gifts that could be a wonderful treat for yourself or a perfect gift for someone on your holiday list.

As I said, I don't normally promote products, but my experience with these high-quality roll-ons has been so positive that I wanted to share them with you. Even better, when I reached out to Valerie to let her know that I was so happy with her Bye Bye Pain roll-on that I was going to share her site in my newsletter, she generously sent me a 15% off discount code to share with my subscribers that's good through December 31, 2020.

So check it out, and be sure to use the promo code below to save 15% off of your entire order!



December 1 - December 20, 2021

 While Mercury is in the fiery but flexible sign of the Archer, he’s friendly, sociable, playful and articulate. He also experiences strong feelings of wanderlust.  Whether it’s by train, plane or automobile, or even from the comfort of a cozy armchair for that matter, Mercury feels driven to explore new horizons. >>Read More.


November 1 - 8, 2021

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Dec. 01: Mercury enters Sagittarius


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.


Nov. 30: Mercury sextile Saturn

Dec. 05: Venus trine Neptune

October 31, 2020 | 10:38 AM EDT

Like any other full moon, a lunar eclipse can bring something to light, to fruition or to a conclusion, but unlike your typical full moon, an eclipse can be a game changer or coincide with a blindside.

With no major aspects influencing the eclipse, the focus is on the opposition between the Gemini Moon and the Sagittarius Sun. Among other things, Gemini and Sagittarius represent the axis of the mind which means the spotlight is on how we process information. 

For example, do you pay so much attention to the facts in front of you that you fail to consider other possibilities? If so, then you need to tap into the solar side of this eclipse and embrace Sagittarius’s expansive vision. On the other hand, are you always so focused on the big picture that you miss the finer points? If so, then you need to tap into the lunar energy and embrace Gemini's attention to detail.

Although there are no major aspects, there are two minor ones that are worth discussing. First, the quincunx between the Sun and Uranus suggests this eclipse may trigger a sense of anxiety. Since there's also a quincunx between the Moon and Venus, such anxiety may stem from something coming to light that creates a sense of insecurity connected to values, money, love or relationships. No matter which life area it may affect, there's a need for adjustment (action or attitude) that you may or may no be ready or willing to make at this time.

In a previous newsletter I wrote that by the time of this eclipse, I expected that the winner of the election would be clearly established because the eclipse falls on Joe Biden's Saturn (he achieves what he's been working towards for years or it comes to an end).

While that prediction certainly seems accurate given Joe Biden's status as President-elect, it would be negligent of me to ignore the lawsuits that were filed just days ago in some of the battleground states. When using astrology as a predictive tool (for individuals or a nation), it's critical to analyze the potential influences from an objective viewpoint and consider all the possibilities.

On that note, looking at the eclipse from the perspective of the ongoing court actions, Gemini and Sagittarius can be interpreted as representing the axis of truth, with Gemini being direct evidence (e.g.,eyewitness accounts, documentary evidence) and Sagittarius being the legal hypothesis (e.g., the allegations and theory behind it). Since the eclipse is in Gemini, the spotlight is on direct evidence, and as we've seen and heard in the media, there's been much criticism about a lack of hard evidence.

This past Wednesday, a judge blocked certification of Pennsylvania's election results (that decision is being appealed) and that night lawsuits were filed in Georgia and Michigan. In addition, votes are being recounted in Wisconsin, and hearings are currently being sought in Nevada and Arizona.

Since eclipses have a well-deserved reputation for delivering blindsides and being game changers, in light of all of the foregoing actions, it's not completely outside the realm of possibility that in the coming week or so there could be some type of unexpected news that interrupts or disrupts the process or even throws it into chaos.

Why? Because the eclipse conjuncts the USA's Uranus, which rules its 3rd house of news, information and communications. And more than that, in mundane (world events) astrology, the 3rd house rules the postal service, delivery and distribution systems and all of the ballots that were mailed in, dropped off or picked up from ballot boxes.

So with that being said, will the eclipse extinguish the lawsuits, or will it create turmoil? We'll all find out soon enough.

Getting Personal

The house in your horoscope that's receiving this lunar eclipse is where the action is in your chart, and something related to one (or more) of the life areas ruled by it may come to light, to fruition, to a boil or to an end.

If you don't know which house holds 8°38 Gemini in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the full moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart).

If your Sun Sign is:

Aries, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.).

Taurus, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).

Gemini, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life).

Cancer, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions).

Leo, it falls in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues).

Virgo, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Libra, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).

Scorpio, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters).

Sagittarius, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Capricorn, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition).

Aquarius, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).

Pisces, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents).


Once the full moon peaks and the matter is concluded, it's over and the next step is to release any attachment to it. That's why, the period of time between the full moon and the next new moon (the time while the moon is waning or disappearing from sight) is energetically ripe for releasing things from our life.

You can release anything under any full moon, but since this one is an eclipse that happens to be saturated in Gemini energy, it's especially helpful for releasing:

Negative beliefs or fears related to intelligence, communications, memory, cars, trains, siblings, cousins or neighbors.

Traits or tendencies to be indecisive, capricious, insincere, superficial, nervous, fickle, conniving, indifferent, nosy or intolerant.


May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement