Subject: Lunar Eclipse ✩ Jupiter-Pluto ✩Saturn Rx ✩ Weekly Forecast & More

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Dear Stargazers,

With three major planetary events happening this week, the overall energy is likely to feel a bit intense at times. I discuss all of them in detail in this week's YouTube video.

 In addition to the weekly forecasts, I hope to be posting interviews with astrologers and other metaphysical practitioners in the weeks ahead. 

Planetary Updates (i.e., what I omitted in last week's newsletter!)

Venus is now direct but will remain in the post-retrograde zone until July 29, which means you still want to be cautious about spending big money on anything that's not necessary, trying a new stylist or having any type of cosmetic procedure. 
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces until November 28. From from Aries to Pisces, this cycle offers your sign/rising sign the opportunity to cut through the haze and see where you've been deluding, confusing and just plain kidding yourself so that by the time it goes direct, you'll have a much clearer vision of the road ahead. 

Transiting Mars is in Aries from June 27, 2020 - January 7, 2021 (that's not a typo) and will be retrograde from September 9 - November 13. I'll be putting something together soon about this important long-term Mars cycle that will influence everyone! In the meantime, you can click here to read my general post about transiting Mars in Aries.
June 29 - July 5

All dates and times are given in Eastern Standard Time.


Jun. 30:  Jupiter-Pluto conjunction
Jul. 01:   Saturn retrogrades into Capricorn
Jul. 05:   Lunar eclipse in Capricorn


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

July 1


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

June 29, 30
July 5


Jun. 30:  Jupiter-Pluto conjunction
Jun. 30:  Mercury sextile Uranus
July 01  Mercury conjunct the Sun
July 01:  Sun sextile Uranus
June 30, 2020 | 5:46 AM EDT
Washington, DC

Like the one on April 4, the second of three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions takes place on June 30 at 24° Capricorn.

However, since this time around both Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde, it means we're likely to re-experience themes that were present during its first exact hit.

 Looking back to April 4, we saw a surge in the reported number of Covid-19 infections and deaths, and as we approach the exact degree of this aspect, we're seeing a similar trend in many states across the nation. Since Jupiter expands what it touches and Pluto rules viruses and death, it makes perfect astrological sense. Pluto also rules power, and during that time we saw local, state, national and foreign governments expand their control over public behavior to limit the spread of the virus. Likewise, we're seeing that happen again as certain states are imposing tighter restrictions in response to increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases.

On a personal level, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction can coincide with an expansion of power (or at least a desire for it) in some area of our life. Since this is the second hit, some of you may be  dealing with an issue that began back in April while others may be noticing it for the first time.

Where might you be experiencing a power surge in your life? It's covered in this week's YouTube video forecast. 
July 1 - September 29, 2020
Washington, DC

For the past few months, we've been given a preview of some of the themes we can expect to experience while Saturn is in the sign of the Water Bearer from December 17, 2020 - March 7, 2023.

On July 1, Saturn retrogrades into Capricorn for what will be its final journey through the sign of the Seagoat until January 2047. 

Personally and collectively, Saturn's last retrograde cycle in Capricorn offers a final opportunity to redefine our lives in some way so that when it goes direct, we'll be ready to move forward with clarity of purpose. 

What is Saturn asking you to redefine? That's covered in my weekly YouTube video  as well!
July 5, 2020 | 12:45 AM EDT
Washington, DC

The good news is that this month's lunar eclipse is a gentle one.

A trine to Uranus and sextile to neptune adds a sense of vision to the practical and often aloof Capricorn moon that suggests the possibility of a dream coming true. 

Of course, with mercury retrograde opposing the moon, it's more likely to be a dream delayed, but since the square between the moon and mars is a wide one, it's unlikely to create an emotional storm.

All that being said, this lunar eclipse is in an exact opposition to the USA's sun and squares its natal saturn. In mundane astrology, the moon represents the public, the Sun represents the nation's leader and saturn represents traditions, rules, regulations and structures that maintain order. 

With both the sun (president) and moon (public) squaring saturn (maintaining order), it's easy to see the symbolism in light of current events. Like a full moon but much more intense, a lunar eclipse can something to light, to a boil, to fruition or to a conclusion. It can also coincide with a blindside.

Given that July 4 is Independence Day, we can expect that all sides will be speaking their respective versions of the truth. However, with mercury retrograde, it's doubtful that we'll gain any real clarity though in fairness to the cosmic tricksters, there are times when mercury retrograde brings the truth to light.

Should this be the case, hopefully everyone will recognize it.
Getting Personal

This month's full moon at 13°38' degrees of Capricorn is not only a lunar eclipse, but the last eclipse in the recent Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle.

Since this full moon is an eclipse, its energy is intensified and longer lasting than your average full moon. Those of you with a planet, angle or house cusp at or near 13° of any sign will be on the receiving end of eclipse energy and will experience it more strongly.

The house that holds the Moon is where the action is in your chart, and something related to one (or more) of the life areas ruled by it may come to light, to fruition or to an end.  Since a full moon falls across two houses, it's important to consider the life areas of the house that holds the sun as well. 

If you don't know which house holds 13°38' Capricorn in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the lunar eclipse falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart). 

For specific insights, click here for (you guessed it!) this week's YouTube Video.

If your Sun Sign is:

Aries, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame. Read the 4th house as well.
Taurus, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing. Read the 3rd house as well.
Gemini, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation. Read the 2nd house as well.
Cancer, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships. Read the 1st house as well.
Leo, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets. Read the 12th house as well.
Virgo, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity. Read the 11th house as well.
Libra, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition. Read the 10th house as well.
Scorpio, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications. Read the 9th house as well.
Sagittarius, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth. Read the 8th house as well.
Capricorn, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar1st house - it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance. Read the 7th house as well.
Aquarius, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities. Read the 6th house as lunar eclipse.
Pisces, the lunar eclipse falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships. Read the 5th house as well.


You can release anything under any full moon, but since this a lunar eclipse it's energy is more potent than usual. Saturated in Capricorn energy, it's especially helpful for releasing:

Negative beliefs, fears or circumstances connected to parents, bosses, authority figures, ambition, achievement and your personal and/or professional status.

Traits or tendencies related to melancholy, loneliness, fear, depression, rejection, inhibition, greed, materialism, callousness, social climbing.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© 2020 Debra Anne Clement. All Rights Reserved.
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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