Subject: Full Moon ✩ Saturn Rx ✩ Mercury Rx & Money ✩ Venus Pivots ✩Forecast & More

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Dear Stargazers,

My shoulder delayed last week's newsletter until today, but this issue does include an article about the Saturn retrograde cycle that began this past Thursday. 

Looking ahead, Venus will station direct on 41/5, and until it does so, it offers one last opportunity to reconsider who and what means the most to you. The insight offered by Venus this coming week will be enhanced by Mercury, which stationed retrograde today (more on that below). Since Mercury and Venus are inner planets (close to the Sun), the nature of their insights are considered to be more personal.

While it's true Mercury Rx cycles often coincide with misunderstandings, they're also known to reveal information that we normally can't access. For example, while Mercury is retrograde filters fall by the wayside and people express their true feelings, which is why it's important to ask questions and listen carefully to everything. Tapping into Mercury's energy this week can help you see exactly where you stand on Venus-related issues of love, money, self-esteem and relationships.

And speaking of Venus ...

I want to thank you for the overwhelming response to Your Venus Story. By now, everyone who ordered a reading has received it. Here are just a handful of comments I received from those who purchased this reading.

"I'm listening to "Your Venus Story" report. You are phenomenal!"

"The reading kicked ass!!!! I really loved it. It was dead on and so informative."

"Your reading is so customized to my journey and your insight and optimism is healing. THANK YOU!" ❤️

"I really loved my report, you were RIGHT ON. I've always been into astrology and have had readings over the years and I wanted to see what you would come up with and I wasn't disappointed, you know astrology!!"

Not everyone can afford an in-depth consultation, and let's be honest, not everyone wants or feels the need for one. That's why I created this budget-friendly reading to enable more of you to benefit from the insights and guidance that are recorded in your horoscope.

When I established my professional practice in 1988, this was my mission statement:

As an astrologer, my purpose is to help you make the most of your planetary placements and cycles, especially the ones that test and challenge you. 

Next year will mark 30 years since I became a professional astrologer, and I'm just as committed to these words today as I was when I first wrote them. 

Based on your enthusiastic response, I plan to offer more of these highly focused readings.
Since the point of any reading is to meet your needs, which planet or point  in your horoscope would you would love to have analyzed? The Sun? The Moon? Saturn? Is there a particular trouble spot or self-defeating pattern that you would love to have addressed?

Click "Reply" now and let me know what type of insights would help you live a more joyful, peaceful and fulfilling life. 
April 4 - April 23, 2017


Apr. 06:  Saturn stations retrograde
Apr. 09:  Mercury stations retrograde
Apr. 11:  Full Moon in Libra
Apr. 15:  Venus stations direct


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

April 12, 17, 22


April 9, 11, 21

The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

April 6 - August 25, 2017

As the celestial taskmaster, Saturn's role is to teach us how to become responsible, productive and successful adults. Now, Saturn is big on rules and regulations, and his lesson plan is based largely on the Law of Karma. In other words, what we reap is what we sow. 

However, Saturn's lessons go far beyond teaching us about responsibility. It also teaches us about authority, ambition, achievement, as well as how to establish boundaries, overcome limitations and create enduring success through dedication, self-discipline and perseverance. 

If something in our life isn't working, we can count on Saturn retrograde transits to expose the flaws in our theory, the cracks in our foundation, and all of the weak links in our relationships. That's why whenever Saturn is retrograde we're likely to encounter some type of setback in our lives. The purpose of any delay, obstacle or restriction during this time isn't to demoralize us or crush our dreams (although it can feel that way); rather, it's to test our goals and help us discover whether they were built on shifting sands or rooted in a solid foundation. 

If the former, it’s time to acknowledge our mistake. Although this reality check may be a difficult one, if we’re able to walk away with a clear understanding of where we faltered and a strong resolve not to go down that same road again, then a significant lesson has been learned. Saturn respects those who take responsibility for their actions, and will be there to support us as we set out upon the proper path.

If it's the latter, then it’s time to dig deep, make any necessary changes, and push forward. Saturn rewards perseverance, which means if you keep moving in the direction of your dream, it will make sure that when you arrive a reward will be waiting for you.

What's important to remember is that whatever outcome we experience at this time is a direct result of the actions and decisions that we've taken (or didn't take) in the past.  Sound familiar? That's right. What we sow is what we reap.

Let's Get Personal

Like all retrograde transits, this one demands that you look within for answers. However, since it's Saturn, you're being asked to reassess some area of your life as revealed by the house Saturn is presently visiting in your chart and, where necessary, redefine, reorganize or restructure it.

If you don't know which house holds 27°48 Sagittarius in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to learn where Saturn is transiting retrograde in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

Aries, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.
Taurus, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.
Gemini, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships.
Cancer, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets.
Leo, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity.
Virgo, Saturn is retrograding  in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.
Libra, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.
Scorpio, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.
Sagittarius, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 1st house - it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.
Capricorn, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.
Aquarius, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.
Pisces, Saturn is retrograding in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame.

April 9 - May 3, 2016

At 7:15 PM EDT today, Mercury stations retrograde at 4°51' Taurus. It will remain in this sign until April 20, at which time it will backpedal into Aries where it will remain until it stations direct on May 3.

From now until April 20, Mercury's retrograde motion through the sign of the Bull signals a time to re-examine your financial health. 

Do you have enough resources to thrive or are you in survival mode? Do you have a tidy nest egg put aside or do you live paycheck from paycheck? For some of you, the answers will be satisfying; for others, it will be a wake-up call, or in extreme cases, it may trigger a panic attack. 

The good news is that while Mercury is retrograde in Taurus, its energy supports a practical review - and if need be revision - of your spending, savings and investment patterns. The key to working with this energy is to reevaluate everything now and decide what (if any) revisions you need to make to your financial plan. 

Whether it's as simple as establishing a new budget or as complex as starting from scratch, the time to implement these changes is after Mercury stations direct, and ideally, when it re-enters Taurus on May 15th. Why? Because besides being the ruler of your income, Taurus is a highly fertile sign which increases the odds that steps taken now will prove fruitful, although it will likely require some patience. 

You can click here to review the general potential downsides and upsides of Mercury retrograde in general. If you know which house (or houses) Mercury is visiting in your chart, as well as which houses it rules (the ones with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp), you'll find insight into its influence there as well.

April 11, 2017 | 2:08 AM
Washington, DC

The Big Picture

Calculated for Washington, DC, this full moon falls across the nation's 3rd and 9th houses. Just as these houses represent different aspects of travel and education, they also represent different aspects of the media (domestic and foreign press). 

Located in the 3rd house, the Sun is within a few degrees of approaching an exact conjunction to Uranus, and it's opposing the Moon in the 9th house which is almost fully separated from a conjunction to Jupiter. This full moon also squares Pluto (conjunct the Ascendant in this chart), the planet that represents transformation, death and power struggles.

As I've said many times, it's commonplace for related events to occur before the full moon actually takes place.  To date, two related events have already occurred; specifically, the supreme court confirmation and the air strike on Syria. As my time is limited, I can only offer one analysis so I've chosen the one that I feel has more astrological lessons. 

The Supreme Court

Symbolized by the Scales of Justice, Libra rules justice, fairness and balance, and in this full moon chart, Libra rules the 9th house of judges and high courts. 

For the past several weeks there's been an intense power struggle between the Democrats and the Republicans over the supreme court nominee with both sides actively supporting or attacking the nominee during the confirmation hearings as well as in the media. In this chart, the Libra moon falls in the 9th house (judges, higher courts) and opposes (confronts) the Sun in the 3rd house (debates, hearings) and both luminaries square Pluto (power, control) in the first house. 

Venus, ruler of the 9th house of judges and higher courts falls in the 2nd house (values) and is conjunct Chiron (wound). Values (conservative v. liberal) are at the heart of the power struggle, with both sides believing the others values will wound the nation. With Capricorn on the Ascendent, this chart is ruled by Saturn. The square to Saturn (authority, rules) from Venus further symbolizes the value-based conflict. 

Full moons bring matters to a conclusion, and just a few days before it occurred, Neil Gorsuch was confirmed as a supreme court justice after the Republicans invoked the nuclear option. In astrology, both Uranus and Pluto are associated with nuclear technology. In this chart, Uranus and Pluto are within orb of a separating square (challenge), and Uranus is applying a conjunction to the Sun, which rules the 8th house of other's people's support. By triggering the nuclear option, the number of votes (other people's support) was radically changed from a supermajority of 60 votes to a simple majority of 51 votes. 

Of note is the fact that in this chart, Venus, Saturn and Mercury are all retrograde, which is fitting since the nuclear option is a drastic action that's rooted in the past.  For those who are unfamiliar with it, the nuclear option was introduced in 2013 by Harry Reid and used by the Democrats to thwart Republican obstruction of President Obama's supreme court nominees. They took this extreme measure because they believed the objections were based solely on political lines rather than merit. Four years later, the situation is reversed as the Democrats found themselves on the losing side when the Republicans (now making the same argument that the Democrats did back in 2013) took advantage of the precedent Harry Reid set in the past. 

Libra is the sign of justice, balance and fairness, and with this full moon the sign of the Scales demonstrated that when it comes to Justices and the Supreme Court, what was fair for one side is also fair for the other side.  

On another note, whenever the transiting moon is moving through the same sign as your Sun, the spotlight is on you. When Justice Gorsuch was confirmed on Friday, the transiting moon was in Virgo. Not only is Gorsuch a Sun sign Virgo, but he also has Mercury, Uranus, Pluto and Venus Rx in Virgo as well.
Getting Personal

Full moons occur when the Sun and Moon form an aspect known as an opposition. Oppositions are about balance, and since this month's planetary pair is the Libra Moon and the Aries Sun, the spotlight is on how you balance your need for partnership with your need for independence.

Questions to Ask Yourself at a Libra Full Moon

Does your world revolve around your partner? Are you always accommodating other people?If so, to achieve balance you need to tap into the solar energy this full moon and embrace some of that Aries self-sufficiency and "me first" attitude.

On the other hand, do you always need to call the shots in your relationships? Do you tend to be a lone wolf? If so, to achieve balance you need to tap into the lunar energy of this full moon and embrace Libra's cooperative spirit and "two heads (and hearts!) are better than one" attitude.

The house that holds the Moon is where the action is in your chart, and something related to one (or more) of the life areas ruled by it may come to light, to fruition or to an end. However, since a full moon involves the Sun and the Moon, it falls across - and therefore activates - two houses in your chart. Since houses work in pairs, it's important to consider the life areas ruled by both houses.

If you don't know which house holds 21°33' Libra in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the full moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart). 

If your Sun Sign is:

Aries, the full moon falls in your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships. Read the 1st house as well.
Taurus, the full moon falls in your solar 6th house of work, health, service, pets.
Gemini, the full moon falls in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity. Read the 11th house as well.
Cancer, the full moon falls in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition. Read the 10th house as well.
Leo, the full moon falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications. Read the 9th house as well.
Virgo, the full moon falls in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values & self-worth. Read the 8th house as well. Read the 8th house as well.
Libra, the full moon falls in your solar 1st house - it's all about YOU! Read the 7th house as well.
Scorpio, the full moon falls in your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives and clairvoyance. Read the 6th house as well.
Sagittarius, the full moon falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships. Read the 5th house as well.
Capricorn, the full moon falls in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame.
Aquarius, the full moon falls in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing. Read the 3rd house as well.
Pisces, the full moon falls in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation. Read the 2nd house as well.

Releasing with the Libra Full Moon

During the two weeks immediately following the full moon, the moon is waning. As it slowly fades from view in the evening sky, its energy supports the release of circumstances that no longer serve us. Although you can release anything under any full moon, one that's saturated in Libra energy is especially helpful for letting go of:

Negative beliefs or attitudes connected to marriage, partnerships close friends and other committed relationships, as well as for releasing relationships that no longer fulfill you.

Traits and tendencies to be a people pleaser, co-dependent, shallow, vain, over-accommodating, self-indulgent, pretentious or unable to make a decision for fear of making the wrong one.

Coming Up

The next issue will be April 23, and that's where those of you born under the sign of the Bull will find your yearly forecast. Your patience will be rewarded, because the tide is turning and it's going to be YOUR turn to soar!

In the meantime, to those of you who celebrate the holidays:  

Happy Passover! Happy Easter!

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© 2017 Debra Anne Clement. All Rights Reserved.
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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