Subject: Black Friday Special is Live! ✨ Mars in ♐ ✨Your Daily Astrology Forecast 💫

Dear Stargazers,

Although there are some bumps ahead towards the end of the week, it's nothing you can't handle.

It's all below, along with insight into Mars's journey through Sagittarius!


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Readings are $55 and appointments are available from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST. Questions? Can't find a time slot? Just email me!


November 20 - 26, 2023
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, November 20.  After a brief void, the transiting Moon enters Pisces at 9:30 AM, and if you happen to feel a bit weary or discouraged around that time, its because the transiting Moon made an immediate conjunction with Saturn.

Fortunately, it's just a passing influence that should be long gone by 11:00 AM, at which time it will be easier to tap into today's Sun-Pluto sextile. Although not the strongest aspect, this influence can help boost your creativity, as well as your confidence.

Most important, it offers an opportunity to make a significant change in your life. However, it's not something that will just fall into your lap. You need to recognize (or create) an opportunity and act upon it.

Tuesday November 21. Following on the heels of yesterday's Sun-Pluto sextile, today's Mars-Pluto sextile can help you take action to improve your life.

The soft nature of the aspect creates harmony between Mars (action) and Pluto (transformation), which will make it easier to set goals, recruit supporters and actively pursue (or create) opportunities.

This influence also supports physical activity and promotes endurance, making it a good day to engage in exercise, sports or physical work.

Wednesday, November 22. The day starts off with a flow of creative energy that is likely to promote your imagination, especially in connection to your hopes and goals.

Unfortunately, if you take actions to further them that require a definite outcome during today's void moon (10:10 AM - 12:20 PM) because nothing is likely to come of it at that time.

However, once the transiting Moon enters Aries (12:20 PM), it's a whole new ballgame. Under this go-getter lunar influence, you have a green light to initiate new projects or take other decisive actions to further your personal goals and/or ambitions.

The transiting Sun enters Sagittarius at 9:03 AM.


Thursday, November 23. Whatever your plans are for the day, there's a chance that the transiting square between the Sun (ego, conscious will) and Saturn (limitation, authority) could put a damper on them.

It's possible that you will feel burdened by an extensive to-do list and/or discouraged by a lack of hands-on support. This is more likely if you're relying on someone else's assistance or are in need of someone else's approval, cooperation or permission.


Should you experience a disappointing or frustrating event today, you do best to take a deep breath, roll with the punches and refuse to let it get the better of you.

Friday, November 24. The day starts off on an ambitious note, and whether you're at home or on the job, you're focused on getting things done.

On that note, the morning hours are likely to be the most productive because of the combined influence of the transiting Aries Moon and Mars in Sagittarius (since 5:16 AM).

In fact, given the high-octane nature of this influence, the AM energy could feel a bit frantic for some of you. If so, you can expect that energy to lessen when the Moon goes void at 12:41 PM.

Speaking of the void moon, if shopping the Black Friday sales with a definite outcome in mind is on your to-do list, you're likely to have much more success snagging items on your list if you do so before or after the void period (12:41 PM - 3:29 PM).

Once the transiting Moon enters Taurus (3:29 PM), the overall tone of the day is more deliberate and it will be easier to pace yourself. If you're still shopping, you could score a sweet deal on a luxury item.

No matter what you do, by the time evening rolls around, you'll be ready to put your feet up and should end the day with a satisfied smile.

Transiting Mars enters Sagittarius at 5:16 AM. Details below.

Saturday, November 25. In contrast to yesterday morning's full-steam ahead vibes, today's energy has a frustrating edge to it because Mars (action) and Saturn (limitation) are at odds with each other.

Under this influence, it's common for plans, ideas or desires to be blocked by circumstances or authority figures, and any efforts to press forward are likely to be wasted.

Since Mars is an ego-driven planet and Saturn can be downright cruel (second only to Pluto), you're more likely to experience any setback as a personal defeat. However, that is rarely if ever the case.

Although this influence can be a discouraging one, the key to handling it is to accept the delay and take up the matter again after the influence has passed.

Transiting Mercury enters the pre-retrograde shadow, where it will remain until it stations retrograde on December 13.

Sunday, November 26. Today's positive lunar influences from the transiting Taurus Moon can help you move forward with intention, dedication and determination, which can make this a highly productive day until the Moon goes void.

While the Moon is void (4:52 PM - 7: 41 PM), it's time to refrain from any decisions or actions where you want a concrete result and focus your attention on routine matters, spiritual work, socializing with friends or relaxing with your favorite form of entertainment.

However, things could start to get a bit dicey once the transiting Moon enters Gemini (7:41 PM), because it will spend the next few hours engaged in some emotional tussles with Saturn and Mars.

By 10:00 PM, this influence will be over but some tension is likely remain.

That's because roughly 6 hours later, the transiting Gemini Moon will light up the sky as as an agitated full moon, and as it moves closer, its tense energy will build.

Depending upon your level of sensitivity, as well as how this full moon will affect your personal horoscope, you could experience some type of sleep disruption. If so, listening to a calming guided meditation could help you drift off to sleep.


As the 9th sign of the zodiac, you're here to show us how to expand our horizons, create abundance, evolve as a person and always look on the bright side.

Wishing everyone born under the sign of the Archer a brilliant solar return!



Given that Sagittarius that presides over explorers and all types of distant journeys, it's no surprise that adventure-loving Mars looks forward to visiting the Archer. In fact, whenever he visits, he keeps his options open and his passport close at hand.

Like Mars, during this time you may experience a strong desire to expand your horizons. If so, this could be the time you make plans to board a plane or set sail for a foreign destination.

Or, you could opt to do so through more budget-friendly options, such as experiencing foreign cuisines, visiting cultural museums, enrolling in a course, listening to audio books and podcasts or attending on-line events.

No matter what method you choose, as the ruler of higher knowledge and wisdom, Sagittarius offers plenty of options, including law, politics, philosophy and religion.

That's why whenever Mars is in Sagittarius, he can be quite the crusader, and since the Archer has a strong interest in social justice, you may find that you feel more passionate about national and world events.

If so, it's important to be mindful that the Archer is known for his bluntness, not his manners. If not, you risk falling prey to the assertive, impulsive and hotheaded influence of Mars, which could result in hurt feelings, arguments and perhaps even a burned bridge.

While he's here, Mars wants to experience every adventure that Sagittarius has to offer, and that includes a spiritual quest.

If you follow his lead and look within, by the time he bids farewell to the Archer you can expect to have a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.

To all who celebrate this day of gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving!

And on that note, I want to thank you for being a subscriber.

I appreciate your support and will continue to deliver useful, high-quality astrological content and guidance in this free newsletter.

That said, I'll be back next week with insights and guidance into what promises to be a high-strung Gemini full moon.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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