Subject: Astro Update: Watch out for the Bump in the Road

Dear Stargazers,

The influence of last week's lunar eclipse is easing off, and not only does the week begin and end with gentle energy but it delivers some lovely aspects in between.

Except for Saturday. That's the bump in the road, and many of you may start feeling the energy on Friday. Scroll down to read more about it in the Notable Aspects section below.


May 31 - June 6

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


June 02: Venus enters Cancer

BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

May 31

June 1, 4, 6

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

June 5


May 31: Mars trine Neptune

When the planet of action is motivating the planet of compassion, you may feel inspired to help someone. However, since Neptune also rules daydreams, there's a good chance you'll just think about it. While this energy can promoterage acts of kindness, creative ideas and spiritual work, it's also a positive influence for any type of self-care or healing work.

Jun. 03: Sun trine Saturn

Since this influence is known for supporting business-related endeavors, as well as activities that require concentration, persistence or self-control, it's a good day to tackle any projects that still need to get done.

Jun. 03: Venus trine Jupiter

You may decide it's time to treat yourself to something nice. Whether it's a purchase or a social outing, this influence suggests that whatever you will put a smile on your face. This is also a favorable day for romance, but unless you also have a significant relationship transit going on in your horoscope, it is likely to be a flirtation rather than the start of a lasting union. Even so, it will be fun while it lasts!

Jun. 05

Although these influences become exact on June 5, their respective energies will begin building on June 4 so some of you may feel their influence a day early.

Mercury square Neptune

When the planet of ideas and communication is squaring off with the planet of illusion, it's very possible that some type of deception or confusion will visit you in some way, shape or form. With Mercury retrograde, the odds are heightened so do not take anyone or anything at face value today, and if you must sign a contract or engage in negotiations under this influence, be sure to pay attention, confirm every detail, get it in writing and proofread it very carefully.

Mars opposite Pluto
The upside to this influence is that you may feel more ambitious and determined to succeed than usual, and not only that, but you'll have the energy to pursue your goals. This influence also promotes endurance, so this is a good day for all types of physical activities, especially those that require stamina.

The downside of this influence is that it can promote a ruthless and combative attitude in some people. Whether it's road rage or someone behaving belligerently, avoid escalating the matter because in extreme cases this influence has been known to coincide with physical violence. If you experience the harsher side of this influence, it's far more likely to be connected to someone trying to bully you into doing something or telling you how to live your life. Even so, avoid escalating it and save yourself a headache.


June 2 - 26

While it’s true that Venus can be flirty and hard to pin down, while in Cancer she’s devoted, steadfast and in it for the long haul.  The Crab is nothing short of tenacious, and while Venus is here she can be possessive and more than a bit clingy. Although she has the best intentions, her need to nurture and take care of her partner can make independent and self-sufficient types feel smothered. However, for those who share her level of commitment and appreciate her attention, love can last from here through eternity.

As the planetary ruler of money, Venus has a strong interest in finances. Since Cancer is a frugal sign, Venus Venus thinks twice before splurging and believes in saving for a home, emergencies, retirement and numerous rainy days. While here, she's extremely  >>Read more.


Whether it was because they were drafted or because they volunteered, here in the USA Memorial Day is about honoring those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. May we never take it or them for granted.

Wishing you a peaceful Memorial Day,

Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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