Subject: A Radical New Moon ✩ Where's Your Deep Dive? ✩Weekly Forecasts & More

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Dear Stargazers,

A few days ago, the editor-in-chief of DELL Horoscope announced that after 85 years, the magazine will cease to be published. 

As a NYC teenager in the '70's, every month I'd visit bookstores and newsstands in search of the latest issue of DELL Horoscope, as well as American Astrology and Horoscope. 

There were no astrology classes or study groups back then (let along the internet!). We learned from books and magazines, and when it came to the latter, DELL Horoscope was my favorite because it spoke to everyone.

Being published in DELL Horoscope was a high point in my career, and it was even sweeter because my mother was here to see it.

The March/April 2020 issue will be its last. For me, it will signal the end of an era, one in which I feel privileged to have played a very small part.
The Dark Side of the Moon Webinar

My October 6 webinar completely sold out (thank you to all who signed up!).

For those of you who missed it, here's just a small sample of the rave reviews.

"This webinar was better than any lecture I've attended, and that includes the "big names" who speak at the conferences. Well worth the value. I've paid a lot more money for a lot less. I hope you do more of these."

"I just want to say thank you for this fabulous webinar! You not only hit the nail on the head, but I love that you didn't just cover the bad behavior. You gave real life practical advice for handling people who express the dark side of their moons. I also appreciate the lifetime access and ability to download all the slides. I know I'll be referring back to this again and would definitely sign up for any webinar you offer."

"I couldn't make it live but listened on the replay. I've followed you for years, so I expected it to be good but you exceeded my expectations. It was well worth the investment, and I learned so much from it."

"You blew me away! There's so much out there about the moon that I was a bit skeptical that I'd really learn anything new but I learned so much about every moon sign beyond the usual negative traits (e.g., a Scorpio moon is vindictive). I was the person who got the last seat, and I'm sooooo glad I did. Please do more of these events!

"Although I'm embarrassed to admit it, I felt like you were talking about me. (Seriously, do you know my therapist? ha ha) I look forward to scheduling a reading with you."

"Thank you for a great webinar that gave me MANY "aha" moments. This is the first workshop I attended where there was no fluff, and the astrologer actually DELIVERED on everything he/she promised. I'll definitely re-listen to this again and would be very interested in any classes or 1:1 tutoring you might offer."

For those who are interested, stay tuned because more events and learning opportunities are coming!
October 20 - November 3

All dates are given in the Eastern Time zone. 


Oct. 23:   Transiting Sun enters Scorpio
Oct. 27:   New Moon in Scorpio
Oct. 31:   Transiting Mercury stations Retrograde
Nov. 01:  Transiting Venus enters Sagittarius


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Oct. 22
Nov. 1, 3


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite positive result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Oct. 25, 27, 28, 31


Oct. 21:  Venus trine Neptune
Oct. 25:  Venus sextile Pluto
Oct. 27:  Mars square Saturn
Oct. 28:  Sun opposite Uranus
Oct. 30:  Mercury conjunct Venus

Your penetrating insight, smoldering passion and relentless nature are matched only by your desire for privacy, need for control and ability to reinvent yourself. 
With first-hand knowledge of the mysteries of life, you're here to help us discover our own magnificent obsession.
October 27, 2019 | 11:39 PM
Washington, DC

This month's new moon makes only one aspect to another planet, which is an opposition to Uranus. Likewise, the only aspect Uranus makes in this chart is the opposition to the new moon.

Although it's not an astrological duet (a duet is limited to two planets that only aspect each other and here Uranus opposes both the Sun and Moon, and the Sun and Moon make a conjunction to each other), the energy of this aspect is still extremely focused.

Like all new moons, this one invites you to set intentions, plant seeds and initiate new actions; and  like every Scorpio new moon, it embodies energies that promote renewal. That's why in addition to planting seeds for new beginnings, a Scorpio new moon is especially helpful for setting intentions connected to major transformation and/or making lasting changes in your life.  

However, its opposition to Uranus suggests that such changes are likely to come about in an unexpected, or perhaps even radical, manner.

Keep in mind that while a radical new beginning can sound unnerving, depending on your circumstances it can also sound like a miracle.

Whether it’s a full moon or a new moon, when Scorpio is involved so is transformation and rebirth. Transformation isn't a minor change; it's a dramatic one, and in order to be reborn, something has to die.

So while this new moon is about initiation, if there's something that's been holding you back, and especially if you've been resistant to releasing it, this new moon is likely to sweep it away.

If that's the case, let it go and trust that the void will soon be filled with something far better than you can currently imagine.
Getting Personal

So which life areas are being targeted in your life for a new beginning? They're revealed by the horoscope house that's hosting this new moon in your chart. If you don't know which house holds 04°25' of Scorpio in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, the new moon falls in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.
Taurus, the new moon falls in your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships.
Gemini, the new moon falls in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets.
Cancer, the new moon falls in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity
Leo, the new moon falls in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.
Virgo, the new moon falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.
Libra, the new moon falls in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.
Scorpio, the new moon falls in your solar 1st house - it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.
Sagittarius, the new moon falls in your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives,healing and psychic abilities.
Capricorn, the new moon falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.
Aquarius, the new moon falls in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame.
Pisces, the new moon falls in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.
Manifesting with the Scorpio New Moon 

You can set any intention under any new moon but when it's in Scorpio, it especially favors:

Actions, intentions and affirmations for new beginnings connected to sexual intimacy, physical healing, psychological transformation, psychic development, loans, grants, scholarships, inheritances, mortgages, taxes and estate matters.

October 31, 2019 • 8:33 AM EDT

From October 31 - November 19, transiting Mercury will be backpedaling through the sign of birth, death and regeneration.

Since all retrogrades are best used for introspection, this cycle is an excellent time to look within and examine how we feel about Scorpio ruled-matters. 

For example, do we have trust issues when it comes to intimacy or sharing our resources with others? If so, is there a legitimate reason in our current circumstances that needs to be addressed, or do we have a need for control that comes from past experiences? 

Scorpio presides over death, and on a purely practical level, are we long overdue on writing (or revising) a will, appointing health care agents or executing a Do Not Resuscitate order?

It's also a psychologically complex (and often ruthless) sign that rarely ever reveals its secrets. However, while
 Mercury is retrograde here, he's not satisfied with superficial answers and will use whatever means necessary to satisfy his curiosity. 

Finally, Scorpio rules the Underworld, and while its waters are dark and foreboding, it holds an abundance of treasure that are there for the taking if we have the courage to take the plunge.

Just like our psyche.

So take a deep breath.

Dive in.

And trust that you won't come up empty handed.
Where's Your Deep Dive?

So which life areas can Mercury retrograde help you gain clarity? And yes, which ones are most likely to experience delays, mix-ups and interruptions?

Since it occurs in Scorpio, the same sign as this month's new moon, just scroll on up because it's the same solar house that's receiving the new moon in your solar chart.

For those of you in need of a general Mercury retrograde refresher, click here.
November 1 - 25

After weeks of experiencing new depths of passion in the intensely emotional, highly complex and deeply secretive sign of Scorpio, Venus reached her saturation point. Like a moth that was dangerously close to a flame, she knew it was time to break free of the Scorpion’s hypnotic spell; and with a stealth that would make Pluto proud, she slipped out of the Underworld.

The moment she emerged from its shadows, Venus saw a well-lit path welcoming her to sunnier shores in the friendly, optimistic and easygoing sign of Sagittarius. From the moment she crossed into this fiery yet emotionally casual sign, Venus felt an enormous sense of relief as the intensity of the past few weeks melted away.

In contrast to the secretive, controlled and gated Underworld, the Archer’s domain is a boundless expanse where she could move about freely, and best of all, speak whatever thoughts come to mind. As she kicked back and relaxed in this easygoing sign, she quickly embraced its fun-loving attitude, tolerant spirit and philosophical approach to love and life.

Speaking of love, while Venus is in Sagittarius she can be hard to pin down. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius believes life as a never-ending journey and matters of the heart are no exception.

Consequently, While Venus is in this fiery sign, her passion blazes but once she’s had her fill, she’s ready to move on to the next adventure. At heart, she’s a flirtatious, independent bachelorette who enjoys romance on her own terms, and those terms include a partner who wants to make more than sexual memories with her. While she enjoys the physical aspects of a relationship, Venus in Sagittarius seeks a kindred spirit, a lifelong friend and most important, a partner who makes her laugh and wants to grow and evolve as much as she does.

Besides romance, Venus also rules money, and while in Sagittarius she can be very generous. She can also be quite a spendthrift who buys impulsively with little (if any) thought to price tags, especially if her purchases are related to education, books, personal growth and, perhaps her biggest weakness of all, travel.


While I won't be dressing up for Halloween, Valentino will once again strut his stuff as a Punk Rock Superstar.

On that note, to all who celebrate, Happy Halloween!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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