Subject: ARTISTS: Info Session on Artists Fellowships
ARTISTS: Info Session on Artists Fellowships
September 30th, 2022 at 5:24 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyARTISTSFELLOWSHIPS INFO SESSIONARTIST FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMDROP-IN ZOOM INFO SESSIONTHURS. OCT 6, 12PMWe are offering a one-time "Funding Booster" Program special for all artists Thu. Oct. 6 at 12pm. ...
Director's Desk for Artists: Artists Fellowships + Cultural Equity Workshop
September 27th, 2022 at 8:13 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyARTISTSWORKSHOPTEACHING ARTISTS HUB PRESENTS3-PART CULTURAL EQUITY WORKSHOP WITHDEIRDRE MONTGOMERY This three part Cultural Equity workshop for Teaching Artists with Deidra Montgomery starts Wedn ...
Artists Newsletter September 2022
September 16th, 2022 at 4:35 pm EDTView onlineNews Opportunities forVisual Performing Artists of Fairfield CountySeptember 2022WELCOME NEW MEMBERSLucy Krupenye, an award winning sculptor, creates wall hanging assemblages out of found objects such as stone, wood, metal and bone. Her sc ...