Subject: AmarFood the artisan is at the centre [Turn on subtitles if you don’t speak Italian]

The freshest way 

AmarFood is very attentive to the customer and wants to establish a relationship of trust with him, as it was not so long ago, between the small shop "downstairs" and the Customer; Who then inevitably became a friend and at the time of paying turned and shouted: "score" as you know, nobody runs away and at the end of the month
if you are in trouble you also made the discount...

AmarFood wants to establish with its customers this type of trust, and we want to explain our philosophy even better.

Amarfood works closely with small artisans, we have mani artisans in order to try to always guarantee everything available, but sometimes nature dictates its times, there are moments that cows will make less milk or that production will not be optimal
given product or for that given period, at this point is going to be the craftsman who will decide what to do, communicating according to him what is best way

craftsman is always right; Nature is always right.

If it is too hot to produce a cotechino, we prefer to tell you that the product is not available,
rather than giving you something not at its best
  we realized that In a world where everyone leans for speed and animals are intensely exploited for mass productions, we recognize that we are slower, pleasantly slower!

We want to go back to old habits, we want to go back to consuming seasonal products, we want to go back to respect the animal that for us is life, as it is for its craftsman. We paused for a moment took a deep breath and realized that

sometimes to go forward we have to look back.

If something is not available, we will contact you immediately and offer you three alternatives:

- The replacement of the product
- To wait until production re-begin
- Full refund for that product
The choice will be yours alone.

Thanks for chosing

AmarFood srl, via Tornaghi 59, 20062, Cassano D'Adda, Italy
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