Subject: ALERT Alumni | September 2019

September, 2019

Greetings Alumni:

Trust this letter finds you well. The summer semester is rapidly coming to a close with ERT and EMT finishing up this week, Leadership class already done and Cadre training having begun for Unit 62. Right now we are looking at 40+ men for the fall Basic so please be in prayer for those still on the edge of finalizing applications. God has blessed us with a great cadre and we are looking forward to seeing Him work in the lives of each man in this upcoming unit.

Although disaster callouts have been very limited the last few months we were able to send our ERT unit out for two weeks of rebuild work in south Texas with Samaritans Purse. We thank God for these ongoing opportunities to partner with them, allowing our men to develop skills they can return home with to use in their communities. 

Along the lines of deployment I’d like to get an idea of what reserves are out there that could deploy internationally if we ever received a call for help. As we know hurricanes know no boundaries and there is always a chance that a need might arise somewhere that we can be a part of. In order to deploy internationally you’d have to fall into the following parameters:
  1. Have a valid passport.
  2. Be in a job or schooling situation where you could deploy within a few days of notice.
  3. Maintaining a solid walk with God as a believer.
  4. Be willing to fall under the regulations of an ALERT man and authority while deployed. 
  5. Have the funding to get to our point of departure – either the airport we would be flying out of (usually Dallas area) or to campus itself if we left from here in a van to rendezvous somewhere. Note: There is also no guarantee that our travel overseas would be covered. It would be important for me to know if you could or could not cover the international portion of the travel if this was necessary.
Please respond to me as soon as possible so I can put together a list of potential international volunteers to call. Priority would be given to graduates but not necessarily limited to such. You would certainly have the option of declining if it didn’t work out for you and not having sufficient funds to cover the international portion of travel would not necessarily exclude you. Just let me know your status. I’ll need your best contact info regarding an email and cell phone as well.

Finally we will be holding a Conquer Series Retreat Friday night through Sunday noon, November 1-3, 2019 here on campus. For those not familiar with this material it is a DVD series that deals with the addictive nature of pornography and implementing steps to freedom. I’d strongly encourage you, a family member or a brother in the Lord to attend. Cost is very affordable ($44 that covers everything) and the fellowship of being with other men cannot be beaten! We already have about twelve fathers and sons signed up and would like you to be a part of it. Call me to register or find out more details. It’s also a great weekend to pick up some tools to help others in this battle.

Have a great week and blessings on all.

Colonel Behr
Cell: 903-714-3481
International ALERT Academy, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States
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