Subject: The easiest, most effective way to long planning or training involved!

Multiply your efforts through this easy-to-reproduce method of evangelizing and discipleship.

Is there more to life than one can see?

Learn over Lunchtime (LOL) Book Reading Club

Starting October 19th!

What's an easy way to share the gospel?

 Just show up and read a book together.

Of course, this is nothing new. We do it hopefully every week at church as we read the Bible together.

But if you want a book that helps to explain the core message of the Bible, as you read scripture together, in a clear, logical way, then try reading a book like By this Name together.

"I understood things I never understood before. It was like a puzzle coming together."

WHY read this book?

Do you ever feel lost in church? Do the messages sometimes feel disconnected? Sometimes they read in Psalms, and sometimes in the New Testament, and sometimes in the Old Testament. Maybe you feel lost in reading the Bible and don't know where to start.

This book will help to give you the framework to put all of the puzzle pieces in the right place in your mind.

WHO should join - is it for me?

If you are like me, carving out time to read a book, no matter how good it is, can be a challenge. Meeting together with others, helps me to be accountable to moving forward in my goals. This book will fill in the gaps for anyone who is not yet a believer, or even a church attender for many years! You WILL learn something new.

HOW - Let's meet together over lunch!

Our plan is to meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays for 30 minutes over lunchtime. No preparation and no pressure, just show up. We will start on October 19th. You can join a few sessions and read together with us. We also encourage you to find a few friends or coworkers to start your own LOL book reading club.

"There is a reason for the Bible being the all-time best seller. It's a fascinating story, a story you really must know for yourself."

- John R. Cross, author of By His Name, Director of Goodseed ministry

JOIN US! Let's Learn together!

You see, up until now, due to special donations for these books, we have had them priced lower than normal. However, we will not be able to sustain that for very much longer.

Please take advantage of these books and BIG quantity discounts before the price goes up this Saturday, on October 1st.