Subject: Upcycling with GreenSheen!

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Scroll down for information on the latest ReStore product, upcycling inspiration, and the June sales calendar!

Did you Know?

While the majority of the merchandise sold in ReStore is donated, some of the items for sale are purchased products.

We are pleased to announce that our ReStores are officially

 GreenSheen paint retailers! 

GreenSheen Paint is premium, recycled-content latex paint that sells at a fraction of the cost of regular paint! Its state-of-the-art processing technology produces paint that is durable, washable, looks great, and lasts.

GreenSheen Paint:

GreenSheen collects leftover paint and processes it, keeping about 20 million lbs. of paint from entering our landfills!

Putting it to the Test

When Calvary Christian’s 5th-grade classes invited Habitat to talk about how ReStore can be a part of upcycling, Community Engagement Administrator, Kimberly Wallace, saw it as the perfect opportunity to put GreenSheen to the test!

"It rolls on really well and drys a lot like milk paint, but at more than half the price! General Finishes milk paint can run about $100 a gallon, GreenSheen is $19.00 a gallon and $76.00 for 5 gallons."

Do you have an upcycling project you wish to share?

Do want to see more upcycling inspiration?

Upcoming Events:

Join us for a day of fun and fundraising at Habitat’s annual Tees for Keys Golf Tournament!

Thursday, June 2, 2022

 8 AM Registration |  9 AM Shot-Gun Start

The Golf Club at Red Rock

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