Subject: Officially Building on Faith

Squeeze the Day
and Volunteer!
613 Lemmon Ave. has broken ground!
Marcus Begay broke ground on his new home on June 15th.  Join in Marcus' excitement by participating in a build day.
July volunteer opportunities on 613 Lemmon Ave. have filled up, but we have August dates still available. If you are interested in volunteering please click the link below or call 605-348-9196.

Habitat will be partnering with Hills Alive on July 21st and 22nd to raise awareness about affordable housing and the 2018 Faith Build on Lemmon Ave. Stop by our booth for some lemon water, visit our kids coloring station, and learn about all the ways in which you can help.

Better yet click the link below and sign up to be a booth volunteer!

Other ways to provide "Lemmon-ade":

Office Volunteer
With all the volunteer commitment this summer comes all the paperwork.  We need a committed office volunteer to come in twice a week for 3 hours to help with reception work and data entry. 

Just can't squeeze it in?
Drop off one of the following grocery items on your way to work!
Hot dogs 
Cheese (shredded and sliced)
Pre-made Pizza Crust
Frozen Lasagna 
Frozen Meatballs
Peanut Butter & Jelly 

All groceries go towards preparing meals for hungry volunteers!
Drop items off at 610 E. Omaha St. (South Entrance) anytime between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
For more information contact  
Kimberly Wallace