Subject: Re-Set Digital Nomad - Apologies

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From the Desk of Mark Emery
Santiago, Chile
Hello Friend

First off, I have to apologize.  I started 're-vamping' and improving my 'Digital Nomad' series of training messages about a month ago.  I then got distracted with various events in my life and never really completed the project until yesterday.

The result is that you've been receiving kind of a hodge podge of messages which were not updated, or in proper order.  It's kind of embarrassing really.

So what I've done is I've 're-set' you to start receiving the correct, updated messages in the proper order and you've already received #1 already.  So in case you're wondering what's happening, this is it.

We are now on track to do this properly and it will likely be a good review for you. 

This is an important project as it relates to your ultimate freedom so, for your benefit, be diligent and see it to the end!

Yours in success!


PCF World Mission LLC, Apdo. 858-1260, 1260, San Jose, Costa Rica
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