Subject: Last chance to see ADFF:Online!

February 17, 2023

Today is the last day to purchase ADFF tickets or use the tickets you already have.

Once you begin watching a film, you have 48 hours to finish watching. ADFF honors the 48 hours. Even if you start today, February 17th, you will still have until the 19th to finish the film. So if you plan to watch any films over the weekend, be sure to start the film before midnight tonight.

Give the gift of ADFF:Online!

If there is a film that you loved and you want a friend or colleague to see it, we have an easy solution. We have made it very easy for you to send them a gift of an ADFF screening. All you have to do is select a film and click on the 🧡 Give as a gift. If the recipient starts watching before the end of the day, they'll have all weekend to enjoy the film. Don't forget that ADFF:Online films can only be viewed in the US or Canada.

Maija Isola Master of Colour and Form

Vladimir Kagan: A Life of Design

Richard Henriquez: Building Stories

Segregated by Design

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