Subject: Overwhelmed?

You try one thing, then another.

What will work?

How about this?


How about that?

Not for me

You get all overwhelmed because there are SO many things you could try to build your online business.

But what's right, what's wrong?

Forget about second guessing yourself once and for all

Every time we second guess ourselves, we lose out.

You see there is a thing called your intuition….lets call it a gut feeling

An example of this is when you encounter someone and you get that oh oh feeling in your stomach.  

But you ignore it because you are communicating rationally. Then as time passes, you find yourself thinking why did I ever hang out with this person?

AHA…because you didn’t follow your gut feeling.

Same goes with business. You may want to partner with someone and its a good deal. But there is one problem…you don’t vibe together. That can be an ending of a beautiful relationship.

On the positive end of this all. You have to trust that gut feeling especially in business. You might just have a “good feeling” about something.  

Research it and you will probably find its a good fit for you.

So how to do this?

Open your mind

Trust that little feeling in your gut. 

Because we are all intuitive and all have that gut feeling.

Go ahead…try it.

You will never second guess yourself again because you will build trust with yourself.

That’s what it all boils down to…Trusting yourSelf.

So when you find yourself second guessing, and are in a state of confusion or even worse….

Sit quietly by yourself and think of the why you feel this way.  

Business choices are difficult but when you trust yourself it becomes easier. 

Second guessing only stops you in your path.

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-

Whirlwind Success





90-day "Affiliate Psycho 2" challenge.

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day for 90 days...

After which time, your life should

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