Subject: [Donna-Mind over Matter] What's in store for you in 2022?

Hi Friend

It’s a New Year!

What’s the first thing you think of

when you think of New Years?


I hope not.

You see, when we make resolutions,

we usually don’t follow through .

That just makes you feel

frustrated and disappointed.

Instead, you can make a list of

things you want to change.

Then write down all the steps

to achieve them.

But what if you're at a crossroads?

That’s when I can come in for ya.

I help you consider the variety of

paths you might take...

decisions you might make...

that will impact on your life.

Then, together, we can devise

a plan to achieve and attain those

things that are so important to you.

So, the start of the New Year

might be a good time for us to talk.


Prices are lowered from now until February 14, 2022.

$50 for a half hour and $85 for an hour reading.

Gift certificates are also available at the same rates.

They are good for 12 months, but you need to

purchase them before Valentine's Day.

So, you can pick a gift certificate for friends or for yourself at these prices.

And they can be used whenever you're ready throughout the year.

Good deal, ha?

Think of what you want to give your family and/or friends for Valentines Day.

Is there a special someone you would like to give a Gift Certificate to?

Hmmm what a nice gift that would make.

Stay in touch,


Mind over Matter


PS: You can CALL or TEXT me at the above number :)


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