Subject: [Donna-Mind over Matter] It's just about over...

Beat Those Winter Blues

Remember Spring is Around The Corner

The days are short (but getting longer)

The snow may be still piled up

Between the cold weather and covid, we have

Been stuck in our homes.


To beat those blues you can try the following things:

Get your vitamin D. Even if you take it in pill form, you need the light. So,

Take a walk, or if you are home bound. Spend time looking out the window.

Start a project. From starting a side business for yourself, to teaching yourself how to knit from Youtube. Do something you have been meaning to do.

Meditate/Pray Spend some time every day to center yourself and Think of all the things you are grateful in your life. Start from that point.

Exercise. Even. If we are stuck in our homes, there are plenty of exercise programs on Youtube for you to follow.  

Wishing you well during the last bout of Winter.  

Talk Soon,


Mind over Matter
