Subject: "build your list" without "driving traffic"... sneak, sneak...


If you missed my email
from a few days back,
I mentioned the 5 steps
to building a successful
online business.

Let's talk again about
step 3.

Here it is...

3--> Build a list of
subscribers who want
and need products and
services in the niche,
and/or a Facebook
following or similar.

Building a list
requires that you
"drive traffic"
to your squeeze page
or offer page.

But how do you
"drive traffic"
to your squeeze page,
or for that matter...
to your blog, your
Facebook page or
anywhere else?

The Secret Answer is:
You Don't.

Yes, you need a
lot of people to
see your offer and
your squeeze page.

But what if you're
not getting it?

The Secret Answer is:
You won't be able to
build a list.


OK, so if I'm telling
you not to "drive"
traffic anywhere, what
should you do?

I'm going to point
you in the right
direction with this
little quote that I
snagged for one of
my coaching clients
the other day.


From Chapter 6 of
Gary Halbert's
Boron Letters:

As you know, once in a
while I give a class on
copywriting and/or
selling by mail.

One of the questions I
like to ask my students

"If you and I both owned
a hamburger stand and we
were in a contest to see
who would sell the most
hamburgers, what advantages
would you most like to
have on your side?"

The answers vary.

Some people say they would
like to have the advantage
of having superior meat
from which to make their

Others say they want sesame
seed buns.

Others mention location.

Someone usually wants to
be able to offer the
lowest prices.

And so on.

Anyway, after my students
are finished telling what
advantages they would most
like to have I say to them:

"O.K., I'll give you
every single advantage you
asked for.

I, myself, only want one
advantage and, if you will
give it to me, I will whip
the pants off of all of
you when it comes to
selling burgers!"

"What advantage do
you want?" they ask.

"The only advantage I
want," I reply,

Think about it.

What I am trying to teach
you here is to constantly
be on the look out for
groups of people (markets)
who have demonstrated that
they are starving (or at
least hungry!) for some
particular product or service.


Isn't that a great lesson?

Yesterday, I gave you an
example of how to do that
by teaming up with me in
a JV Giveaway Event I'm
participating in.

Think of it.

People come to the event
looking for what I'm

Not just looking, either,
they are actually starving
for it.

It's one way of putting
my hamburger in front of
a starving crowd.

In some upcoming emails,
I'll be giving you
some more ways to mingle
in those starving crowds
in order to build your
email list...

and grow a prosperous
online business.

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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