Subject: Everybody Loves My Triangle

You may ask what the heck is she
talking about now? I’ll save time
and get to the point.

On my latest blog, I wrote about
reaching the end of the year goals
we have set up for ourselves.

Now these can be business goals, or
personal ones. Goals are goals and
if we stray and don’t complete
them, we tend to feel disappointed.

I pointed out that David and I
completed our yearly goals in

I used a few examples
of how to reach goals.

My favorite was a triangle.
In the comment section so far,
people are loving my triangle. It
is a visual way to have your
Big Goal on top and the many
different tasks you need to get

It sure worked for me this year!
If you want to see more go to my
blog ==>

Check out the comments. It’s so
much fun to read other people’s

And you may want to use
this mapping method for reaching
your goals too.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

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