Subject: One Easy Step to Eliminating Up to 80% of Your Losing Trades

There is a very simple method to avoiding most bad trades,
and I’m going to share that method with you right now.

The method is simply this:  do not take a trade where price
will need to break through a major line of support or resistance to get into profit.

Trading doesn’t get any simpler than that.
But what are the major lines of support and resistance? 
Sure, there are pivot lines and 3 S&R lines each. 
But what are the others?

Turns out there are more than 77 of these lines and
most of them come into play at one time or another
during a typical trading day.
Can you name 10 of them?
How about 5?

Here is the kicker: once you know about all these lines and
the damage they can cause your account if you are trying to
trade against them, you can avoid up to 80% of the losing
trades you are taking right now.

This is a 2 hour MasterClass that not only teaches you
about these lines but gives you the software necessary
to automate them to the point you can set up all the
necessary charts with lines in place in less than 2 minutes,
then use this information to not only avoid the bad trades,
but find those sweet spots where price is all but guaranteed
to move into profit far enough that all that is left to decide
is where to get out and bank the profits.

Quite honestly, I think this is the best Forex training product
available on the market today, and the bonuses included
make it even better.  But the bonuses are limited so click
—Trading Between the Lines right now.
To Higher Earnings,
Mike N
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