Subject: [HELLO!] Want to be sure you know about this...

Good evening!!

Just a note for you here... I want to be sure you know about the upcoming "Refine Your Feel 1: The 4 Keys to Harmonic Flow" on-line series (yes really, on-line:), starting on AUGUST 20th ...and especially my special invitation to 2015 clinic riders (below):

Here's the scoop...

But Karen, what IS IT...?
  • six modules of video tutorials that go (much!) deeper into the topics we covered in the morning group sessions at Brenda's June clinic
  • ongoing member access to the 25 videos (= about 14hrs, currently - it keeps growing!) you can view in your own time, at any time, whenever the need arises
  • six live weekly sessions on-line with Q&A on each topic
  • access to future live Q&A sessions (when the course repeats)
  • access to my Facebook "Your Horse, Your Horsemanship" community and discussion group for course members & grads
Won't there be a lot of overlap with what we do in clinics?

The beauty of the on-line format is that we go much deeper into each of the Four Keys separately. As you know, it's getting these Keys "in" you, in your flow, that truly unlocks that feel of true harmony in practice, between you and your horse. 

We also go through still shot sequences from clinics in step-by-step detail to illustrate each Key - this proves to be a great way to really SEE in a way that is not so possible at clinic (the horse is moving so sometimes the important detail has passed by!).

Obviously there is some common ground -- for this reason as well as to thank you for supporting our on-the-ranch clinics, I'm offering this to you at 50% OFF the public price FOR 2014-2015 CLINIC RIDERS. 

Yes I know, but it's one way I can support you beyond the clinic and I really want you to be able to go back and watch something again as you refine your feel - folks are already finding they see/get more each time they watch these vids. That's the goal <3 !

Here we go now...
"Refine Your Feel 1" - we start next Thursday on AUGUST 20th!
(Join us at live sessions, or view on your own schedule)
Here's the REFINE YOUR FEEL RIDER DISCOUNT (unlisted) link - I really hope you will take advantage of this and join the Your Horse, Your Horsemanship community - it's time for us all to get together on this Feel thing!
It's been so inspiring to see how meaningful these sessions are proving to be for folks - from the less experienced through to advanced riders and trainers. 

"Feel" isn't only for the "masterful" rider - connection is not exclusive, it's universal. The universal art of not tripping ourselves up!

I hope to "see" you again next week :)  

To you and your horse,


p.s. If you are ready to register be sure to use this link with the Rider Discounted Rate! Here is the URL just in case of a click glitch:

p.p.s PLEASE DO NOT SHARE ABOVE LINK! It is for 2014-2015 riding students only. Here is the public link to share if you have a friend interested in buddying up with you: - please feel free share this one!!

The Art of Riding LLC,
3394 Loudon Street,
Granville, OH 43023, United States
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