Subject: [WPTI] Atrial Fibrillation Sucks! + By Failing To Plan You Are Planning To Fail...

Hi there!

I spent a couple of hours yesterday evening with atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat). It's not life-threatening, but can be as annoying as hell!

I literally don't remember the last time I had it - must be over year ago. I thought I had it tamed, but I guess a number of factors have added up to a lot or stress recently so it's probably a warning to slow down and start meditating more regularly!

Anyway, I hope you had a chance to think about my email yesterday about treating your online work as a proper business and making a plan.

Just in case you missed it I will paste it at the bottom of this email.

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail"
-- Benjamin Franklin

Being prepared is one of the traits that help successful people achieve their goals with less effort and in less time.

Making money online is not rocket science. The basics are actually very simple. But the #1 reason that most people fail is that they don't have a strategic plan and they don't take action.

Now, I recently came across Jason Parker's Ultimate 2013 Gameplan... in fact I bought it myself and devoured it in one sitting.

Jason is one of the few marketers I highly respect and follow closely...

And when a marketer who's had 3 "six figure" years in a row, it pays to sit up and listen! :)

Jason is probably one of the foremost listbuilding experts in the industry... But his game plan doesn't stop there...
He reveals his insider secrets:
  • His 3 step daily game plan that will ensure him another 6 figure year (and how to apply it in your own business).
  • How to get profitable product ideas in almost any niche.
  • How to outsource those product ideas.
  • How to get high quality traffic for almost any niche.
  • Plus much more...
There's a ton of valuable information in Jason's 68 page PDF that I will definitely be implementing in my own business.

If you can see the value in stealing the insider secrets of a 6 figure marketer then click on the link below and make 2013 your most successful ever:


As always, feel free to hit reply and ask me questions or give me feedback :)

To your success in 2013!


PS. To make a quantum leap in your business in 2013, click below:


PPS. Join my private Facebook group. You can ask me questions directly! :)

==> Adventures In Online Marketing

Yesterday's email:

Optimizing Video + Are You Making This Fatal Mistake?

Hi there!

I hope you had an awesome weekend! I wasn't feeling too good myself, although I did manage to finish my business plan! How exciting! :-)

It feels great to have everything down on paper (well a mindmap anyway!) and to know exactly what I need to do to hit my goals over the next 6 months...

You should see my mindmap - it's crazy! Lol! But it means that I have a detailed blueprint to work on.

When I first started online I often heard gurus tell me I needed to treat my online work like a real business, but for a long time, I resisted the idea...

 I felt like I was just "playing" online and I guess I didn't take it too seriously, even though I was spending all my spare time working...

I had no overall goal, no strategy, nothing. I just went with the flow, dipping into this here and that there, getting distracted by every shiny object that came along...

What a big mistake!

I was always working with "busy work", but never actually getting anywhere. I felt exhausted and frustrated and disillusioned so I just worked harder...

More "busy work"...

If I had been a less determined person, then I could easily have decided that I was never going to make any money and just given up...

But I stuck with it, and once I had picked a strategy on which to focus, things really started to change for me...

So what I guess I'm trying to say is never give up...

If what you're doing right now isn't working for you, then the chances are that you are not treating your online activities like a real business. You are not being strategic about what you're doing and you don't have a proper plan.

Sit down and take time to decide exactly what you want from your business. Pick a strategy and follow it. Refuse to be distracted by anything or anyone.

Personally, I would recommend making listbuilding a large part of that strategy... having a list is one of the easiest ways to make money. Period.

So download xmind (free mindmapping software) and have a brainstorming session. See where it takes you.

And then develop a 6 month plan.

Once you have a clear path ahead of you, you will find that you start to make real progress! :)

Let me know how you get on :)

Just before I go, here's a link to the PDF I wrote which tells you the best way to optimize your videos for the web using Handbrake:

==> Handbrake Settings

Handbrake can be a little flaky when it starts. If it crashes first time, just restart it and it will work fine :)

Let me know if you have any questions.

To your success in your *real* business!


About the Author: Sally Lazarus is an Internet Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

She started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it today was born… No, not in the 1970s. She's not that old! How rude! :P

She's been working online since late 2011. She doesn't claim to know it all. She's still learning too, but she wants to share her knowledge with you and help you succeed online.

She's an ethical marketer and loves helping people to reach their goals. When she sends out a promotion it will always be well thought out, even if it means sending it a day or two after launch.

She will investigate it properly beforehand, get hold of a review copy or buy it herself. She wouldn't recommend anything that she didn't believe in or wouldn't use herself.

Her aim is to save you time by doing the research for you, to make it easier for you to figure out if a particular product is likely to be able to help you reach your goals.

 Sally Lazarus:
