Subject: [WP Theme Igniter] Could A "Mind Virus" Be Killing Your Success?

Hi Friend,

I hope you're having a great day and that if you're on the east coast of America, you and your family and friends got through the storm safely and that life is getting back to normal for you.

As for me, it's been rather fraught week around here so far...

First it was my husband's car accident, then there was a major misunderstanding that led to all sorts of family ructions, then this morning we heard that the car is probably a write-off and this afternoon my 86 year old mother-in-law went M.I.T. - missing in town! Yikes!

My sister-in-law left her in a shop for 5 minutes and when she came back she was gone. We called the police and everything...

And then 5 minutes after the police car arrived complete with sirens blaring, there came the rattle of a key in the lock and she'd turned up safe and sound, thank goodness! There was massive relief all round.

It turned out she'd been in the charity shop where she'd been left ALL afternoon! Bless her! She was sitting in a alcove and *somebody* (mentioning no names), neglected to search the whole shop or even ask the assistant...

Anyway, the shop owner refused to let my m-i-l get the bus home and drove her home herself after around 4 hours, which was actually really nice of her. Shows that there are still some lovely people in this world :)

Before the shenanigans kicked off, I read a very interesting, not to mention FREE ebook by Rich Schefren - The Guru's Guru. There isn't even an opt-in. (I know! I was shocked too! :-o)

It's called the Profit Prophesy (Rich's spelling not mine - he may not be able to spell, but he's a multi-millionaire, so we'll let him off). He might have some sort of affiliate scheme going on here, I don't know, but this is a raw link and it's a great report!

Click below to download it:

Now I have to tell you that reading this ebook has been the best use of 30 or so minutes of my time for a long while. 

It described perfectly the problems that I have had both now and in the past, and the reason why my business is not growing as fast as it could be.

For instance, did you know the difference between an opportunity seeker and an entrepreneur? Me neither! But Rich explains it beautifully and you want to make sure that you're the latter if you want to be successful :)

There's also a very interesting section on how Information Overload paralyses entrepreneurs and the reason behind it. Hint: It's all to do with the fight or flight response!

Check it out for yourself here:

Now I know from my survey results that Information Overload affects quite a few of you and I'd hazard a guess that it affects almost all of you. I'm not afraid to admit that it's a massive problem for me too.

Put very simply, we all need a business strategy to keep us moving forward and prevent us from getting bogged down by excess information. Pick a strategy that plays to your own strengths and follow it. Don't get distracted by shiny objects and only buy products that will get you closer to your own goals.

Rich puts in a lot more detail than that and there's a part 2 coming sometime later today, which I'm going to look out for. This guy really knows his stuff!

If you feel like information overload and shiny object syndrome are preventing you from getting from where you need to be with your business, go download Rich's book and give it a read. I can practically guarantee that it will strike a chord with you and that it will help you to move your business forward :)

There's no opt-in so there's no reason not to click here and read it now:

Well, why are you still here? Go read it now! :-P

To your success!
