Subject: Leap Tall Buildings With A Single Bound...

Hi there!

It's another beautiful day here. I don't think we've seen this much sun in Devon since 1976, lol!

Hopefully you've had the chance to download the free "Easy Affiliate Store Profits" report and the done-for-you keyword research for 100 different niches that I sent earlier this week.

They will come in very handy when you build your very own affiliate store.

"But wait", I hear you say. "I am extremely busy and important. I don't have the time to build a store..."

"Plus I hate all that techie stuff..."

Well that's not a problem because I'm very excited to tell you that once you get your hands on the Covert Store Builder WordPress theme, you'll possess a superpower...

You will gain the ability to build stunning affiliate stores from companies like Amazon, Commission Junction and Ebay.

No techie skills required.

Without writing a single word!

Plus you'll be able to leap tall buildings with a single bound... Well, maybe not, but it will still feel pretty incredible :)

==> Click here to discover how YOU can acquire store-building superpowers!

This is a hugely powerful theme that is point and click customizable. No programming necessary.

Even with my amazing descriptive skills (hehe), it's impossible for me to do it justice in writing.

I'll just say that if you want an incredibly simple way to build an affiliate store, then this is it.

There are even 5 pre-made templates so you can change the entire look of your site at the click of a button! Awesome! :)

And it looks great too!

==> Click here to check out Covert Store Builder theme in all its glory

The theme is "self-optimizing", which means that it tracks all the products to see how many clicks they get and shows the most popular ones at the top of your page.

It even pulls in comments from Amazon so you benefit from social proof :)

Obviously some work is required - you'll need to get some header graphics created (Fiverr is good for that).

You'll need to do your keyword research (but the 100 niche done-for you research you downloaded will get you started)

And you'll need to drive traffic, but social sharing buttons are provided, to help get the word out...

Plus! Facebook comments are integrated with the site, so you can get a social media discussion going and more traffic.

Customers can also register for your site and create a wishlist.

And then they can SHARE that wishlist with their friends via social media and email! How powerful is that?!

If you want to get into Amazon marketing, then this is your easy way in. And if you already have stores up and running, you can easily build more with this amazing theme!

Phew! I'm exhausted! Lol!

==> Click here to build an awesome-looking affiliate store, point and click simple!

I have honestly never seen an easier way for you to get an affiliate store up and running quickly. And since this is from IM Wealth Builders, you can trust that it does what it says on the tin.

To your affiliate store success!


PS. Anyone who registers to create a wishlist will get added to your autoresponder list, so you can market to them time and time again. More commissions! Woohoo! Click the link below to see more:


PPS. The price is rising, so be sure to check it out now :)

About the Author: Sally Lazarus is an Internet Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

She started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it today was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! She's not that old! How rude! :P

She's been working online since late 2011. She doesn't claim to know it all. She's still learning too, but she wants to share her knowledge with you and help you succeed online.

She's an ethical marketer and loves helping people to reach their goals. When she sends out a promotion it will always be well thought out, even if it means sending it a day or two after launch.

She will investigate it properly beforehand, get hold of a review copy or buy it herself. She wouldn't recommend anything that she didn't believe in or wouldn't use herself.

Her aim is to save you time by doing the research for you, to make it easier for you to figure out if a particular product is likely to be able to help you reach your goals.

 Sally Lazarus:
