Subject: [Adventures in Facebook #2] Page Creation Tips...

The Facebook Adventure Continuums...

Happy Friday to you! And on to part 2 of my quest to discover whether it really is as easy to make money as the Facebook gooroos say...

If you missed part one you can read it here:


So at this point I've picked a niche...

Setting up the page was a breeze. You don't need to be techie at all. Just fill in a few boxes and Facebook does the rest.

Just bear the following in mind:

From what I've read so far, Brand or Product seems best for page type, and then choose Website in the drop-down category box.

Something to bear in mind is that once my page had been created, it somehow ended up in the "Other" category so I had to go back in and edit the page type.

Fortunately it's easy enough from your admin panel.

"Other" would have been bad because it doesn't allow you Facebook Insights, which provides measurements on your Page's performance, gives you demographic data about your audience, let's you see how people are responding to your posts.

You add the page name in the "Brand or Product Name" box.

When naming your page it's a good idea to use niche keywords so that the page can easily be found with a search...

Smart-arse that I am, I was hugely tempted to use something clever or punny, but I recommend you resist.

Also try to keep the name to 25 characters or less so that it fits across the width of a FB sidebar ad. You doesn't want your ads to look silly now does you, Precious?

Pick a vanity url for your page. This lets you choose the url "slug" for your page so your audience can find you more easily.

ie. You get something like this ""

Instead of an automatically generated one with random numbers like this:


Tut, tut, Mr Takei, or whoever sets up your pages. You lose one point. Still, you gain thousands for being super cool, so who's counting? :)

But I digress...

Add a short description but don't worry too much as it can be changed later.

This bit is important - you need to skip Facebook's build visitors page...

If what I have been taught is correct, then that is a very expensive way to get likes!

Don't worry about putting your website address in just yet if you haven't set it up. You can add it later.

You add a profile pic next. It needs to be at least 180x180 pixels and square is best so that it fits properly.

I'm told that pictures of faces of real women (ie not stock images) convert best...

But you need to use your own common sense - you can't have a woman's face on a bodybuilding for men page...

Although you could always have this artist paint a picture of a woman's face on a man's abs, much like the photos here:


Check out the one with 4 eyes... how disturbing is that?! :-S

Sorry, I've gone orft on a tangent again...

Anyway, once you've added the profile pic you are now the proud owner of a brand spanking new baby Facebook Page! Ta-da! :)

And that's where the fun starts.

There are a few more bits and pieces to set up in Admin, but that can be done anytime.

You are now ready to post some content. Ooh! Exciting! :D

But don't forget to add an attractive cover image first...

I had a lot of fun and games getting mine to fit right, but I'm afraid boys and girls that we're out of time, so that is a story for another day...

Look out for [Adventures in Facebook #3] early next week when the saga continues...

To your success!

Sally "work is fun" Lazarus

PS. Have a great weekend! :)

About the Author: Sally Lazarus is an Internet Marketer, wife, mother and massive geek…

She started out as a programmer many moons ago, before the Internet as we know it today was born… No, not when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! She's not that old! How rude! :P

She's been working online since late 2011. She doesn't claim to know it all. She's still learning too, but she wants to share her knowledge with you and help you succeed online.

She's an ethical marketer and loves helping people to reach their goals. When she sends out a promotion it will always be well thought out, even if it means sending it a day or two after launch.

She will investigate it properly beforehand, get hold of a review copy or buy it herself. She wouldn't recommend anything that she didn't believe in or wouldn't use herself.

Her aim is to save you time by doing the research for you, to make it easier for you to figure out if a particular product is likely to be able to help you reach your goals.

 Sally Lazarus:


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