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My name is Jeff Gamble and I am an entrepreneur and online marketer. I
started in business when I was 17 with no money, no experience, and no
contacts. I’ve made a ton of mistake, but I’ve also created some great
friends, great income, and great memories along the way. As of today
I’ve spent more than 20 years in business and over 15 years in direct
sales recruiting, training, and coaching thousands of people. In 2013 a
good friend and team member introduced me to online marketing. Online
marketing opened my eyes to the millions of people who every day go online
looking for ways to make money from home. After doing some diligent
research and talking with some very successful experts in the field; I
decided to make a career change and become an online marketer. What I love
so far about online marketing and working from home is I did not have to
change my lifestyle or give up my two traditional businesses. I love
online marketing because I am able to work online when I want, how I want,
where I want, and with whom I want. I realized though my research that
people are online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in every
country, in every language, and I can market to all of them sitting at home
in my boxers drinking coffee. I can tell you this… if you click the
link, watch the video, and decide to learn about online marketing… it
will take work, it will take time, it will require you to learn some new
things, and you will get frustrated… but once you figure it out… you
will be so happy you did. I already know what you are thinking! This
thing sounds too good to be true!!! RIGHT? Well… what if it is… and
you didn’t check it out?