Subject: Looking Back 2019, Looking Forward 2020

At the turn of the year, and the decade...
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Looking Back and Looking Forward
2019 Accomplishments

The biggest accomplishment in 2019 was recording the 17-session Parzival and the Star Wisdom of Wolfram von Eschenbach by Brian Gray with eurythmy by Alice Stamm.  Registration will remain open through the end of February 2020 at
Donor Newsletters
In gratitude for our donors, we now craft unique monthly donor thank you newsletters that include inspirational photography, poetry, reflections, devotionals, and stories.
Holy Nights Gatherings
We were honored to be invited as one of the organizational partners providing content for the Anthroposophical Society in America's "Online Holy Nights Gatherings".  Our own Brian Gray will be presenting on January 4th.  We were told that registration really jumped after we sent out our advertisement for this wonderful event. Thank you for your responsiveness!
We are pleased to report heartwarming increases in new subscribers, donors, and course participants.  The total subscribers to the website is now 874.
2020 Projects
   - Completion of Parzival
   - Updated Exploring Anthroposophy
   - Cosmic Evolution, Biography, & Birth Charts
   - The Soul's Journey
   - Experiencing Birth Charts
Website Features
   - Blogs and Podcasts
   - Lexicon / Glossary / Wiki
   - Discussion Forums
   - Research Dialogues
Volunteers Needed

We have begun converting videos into written formats as blog postings, articles, etc.  Some of these have already been translated into Mandarin.  We are now ready to ramp up production, and are looking for more volunteers in each of these roles:
It very much appears that 2020 will be the year when the website will launch as an online education, research, and discussion platform.  It feels like the caterpillar years are coming to a close, and that we will soon experience butterfly wings unfolding as we emerge from our chrysalis.  Your encouragement and support is making this transformation possible!

With gratitude, on behalf of the entire Wise Cosmos team,

Lelan Harris
Executive Director
Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative

AmazonSmile is a meaningful way to donate money directly to Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative.  Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop through our exclusive link below:
Art credit:
"Shooting Star Mountain Nebula" by Benjamin Voros;
"Mountains and a Fire" by Courtnie Tosana;
Gratitude & appreciation to Jodi Chandler for her significant contributions to the content and aesthetics of this newsletter.
Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative is a world-wide community that welcomes all who, in the words of Rudolf Steiner, are endeavoring to unite the spiritual element within the human being to the spiritual in the universe.

Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational corporation.
All donations by U.S. donors are tax deductible.

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Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative, PO Box 12575, Reno, Nevada, 89510, United States
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