Subject: Lelan Harris: Michaelmas Season Reflection

In celebration and reflection . . .
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Seeing God's Face, Hearing God's Voice, Experiencing God's Strength

Michaelmas Season Reflection 2022

by Lelan Harris
A Michael Meditation

Springing from Powers of the Sun,
Radiant Spirit-powers, blessing all Worlds!
For Michael’s garment of rays
Ye are predestined by Thought Divine.

He, the Christ-messenger revealeth in you –
Bearing mankind aloft – the sacred Will of Worlds.
Ye, the radiant Beings of Ether-Worlds
Bear the Christ-Word to Man.

Thus shall the Herald of Christ appear
To the thirstily waiting souls,
To whom your Word of Light shines forth
In cosmic Age of Spirit-Man.

Ye, the disciples of Spirit-Knowledge,
Take Michael’s Wisdom-beckoning,
Take the Word of Love of the Will of Worlds
Into your soul’s aspiring, actively!

~ Rudolf Steiner, The Individuality of Elias, John, Raphael, Novalis 
(the last address by Rudolf Steiner).  Presented in Dornach, Switzerland on September 28, 1924.  GA 238.
 I am with you pasas days 
until the synteleias of the aionos.

These are the words of Christ that conclude the Matthew Gospel [Matthew 28:20], rendered as a mix of the original [transliterated] Greek plus English translation.

Idou              look, and keep looking, until you see
Pasas             all, the whole, every kind of
Synteleias      completion, consummation
Aionos           cycle of time, eon

 And keep on looking until you see
that I am with you every day (and every kind of day) 
until the complete consummation of the cycle of time.
As is so common, the “New Testament” words of the incarnate Christ echo and transform the “Old Testament” words of the pre-incarnate Christ.  In this case, some of what we hear in those final words in the Matthew Gospel include echoes of the Lord previously saying to humanity:
You will seek me and find me, 
when you seek me with all your heart.
[Jeremiah 29:13]
To which we reply to Christ:
You have said, "Seek my face."  
My heart says to you, "Your face, Lord, do I seek."
[Psalm 27:8]
And then we encourage one another:
The Lord bless you and keep you; 
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, 
and give you peace.
[Numbers 6:24 - 26]
What does it mean to "seek the face" of God?  Rudolf Steiner repeatedly talks about the countenance (face) of Christ - which indicates how significant it is.
Here is one example:
I should like to point out to you that we have repeatedly dealt with these matters.  When the initiates of this ancient time were asked about the way in which they received the divine words they answered: the Lord whose name is ineffable speaks to us; but he speaks to us through his countenance [face].  And the countenance [face] of their God they called Michael.  They felt their God as remaining unknown even behind the experiences of the clairvoyant; but when the clairvoyant, through the inner strength of his soul, raised himself to his God, then Michael spoke to him.

Michael is the spirit of strength.  As Michael again re-enters human evolution, he must bring it about that we do not consider on the one hand abstract spirituality and on the other a materiality regarding which we have not the slightest inkling that it is only an externally manifesting form of the spiritual.  Michael must permeate us as the strong power [enabling us to] look through the material and see [hear, know] the spiritual in matter . . . .

[Rudolf Steiner, The Michael Revelation: The Word Becomes Flesh and the Flesh Becomes Spirit. Presented in Dornach, Switzerland on November 22, 1919. GA 194.]
To read the rest of Lelan's 10-page 
Michaelmas season reflection:
Donations are welcomed as expressions of gratitude.
Lelan Harris is a founding member and the Executive Director of Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative (  He is an experiential explorer and integrative practitioner of many human development and spiritual paths.  For Lelan, every day is an adventure of discovering the wisdom of the cosmos – God in every guise – and then sharing those treasures through healing, coaching, serving, and pioneering.  Lelan has been married to Julie for over 30 years, and among their greatest delights together is playing in and with nature through every season, ecosystem, and altitude; self-guided town and country tours; plus art, music, and dance.
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Looking to God by SvetaBezu,
The Countenance of God, a Nazarene School engraving from Trnava, Slovakia (1937), by Fluenta,

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