Subject: Brian Gray: Easter Christ Cycle

Bringing depth to our Holy Week and Easter!
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First published on March 30, 2021
The Easter Christ Cycle

The life of Jesus as the prototype for
our lives and the future of humanity

A Presentation by Brian Gray

In this deeply moving and profound presentation, Brian Gray reviews the life of Jesus as a paradigm that helps us look back and "re-member" ourselves in our previous incarnations, and then guides us to “understand the signs of the times”.  This inspires living images that move us forward individually, which ensures the future salvation of humanity.

The whole arc of the life of Jesus is here, integrated in a profound and deeply moving manner.  Brian weaves together the breathtaking tapestry of humanity’s cosmic adventure:

from the Fall to the Apocalypse . . .
from Krishna and Buddha to Zoroaster and the Magi . . .
from the two Jesus children to Jesus of Nazareth to Christ Jesus . . .
from birth to baptism, temptation to crucifixion,
 resurrection to ascension . . .
from the Christ Impulse to the Mystery of Golgotha . . .
from Kali Yuga to the Age of Michael to Lucifer and Ahriman . . .
from astronomy to astrology to astrosophy . . .
from the Apostles and Mary Magdalene to Rudolf Steiner and each of us.

Brian then shares with us the fruit of decades of spiritual research.  Building upon Rudolf Steiner's indications, Brian offers the 33.3 year life of Christ as a "lens” that helps us perceive how it is that what we “seed” is what we “manifest”.  Steiner said that a fundamental rhythm of the earth is visible on a 1-year cycle, that a primary rhythm in human life progresses on a 7-year cycle, and that history progresses on a 33.3-year cycle.  Brian explains how this understanding aligns us with the working of the spiritual hierarchies through rich and meaningful living imaginations.


This video depicts Brian's original live presentation which was audio recorded in 2015.  It includes all the blackboard drawings that Brian produced, as well as graphic re-creations of the drawing sequences, plus artistic illustrations of the stories and concepts.
Biography of Brian Gray
Brian Gray is a teacher, lecturer, and writer on many topics drawn from Anthroposophy – the work of Rudolf Steiner.  He loves to share research from the realms of star wisdom, biography, cosmology, Waldorf Education, sacred architecture, and esoteric Christianity.  Brian was core faculty at Rudolf Steiner College in Fair Oaks, California from 1981-2016.  He also served as RSC’s Director of the Foundation Program from 1991-1998, and again from 2006-2016.

Brian earned a BA in Architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania.  Inspired in 1979 by René Querido – one of his master teachers at RSC – Brian completed a certificate in Waldorf Teacher Education in 1981.  Brian has helped lead tours through Europe, Egypt, and the Holy Land, exploring sacred architecture, sacred sites, and Parzival’s quest for the Holy Grail.

Brian is a founding member of Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative, and is the President of the Board of Directors.

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Art credit: 
JCHizhe 2020, AdobeStock License
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