Subject: Amazing Autumn Offerings

Wonderful opportunities...
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All of a Feather

The idiom "birds of a feather flock together" appears in literature at least as far back as 1545 AD, but as a proverb and metaphor it likely goes back much farther in history.  Using "all of a feather" as the name for our newsletter highlighting events sponsored by other organizations seems fitting.  It reminds us that there are other "flocks" worth getting to know, building relationships with, and learning from.

Applied Anthroposophy 
Online Course Returns 
for Its Second Year!

The 2021/2022 Applied Anthroposophy Course (AAC2) brings transformative online content into the alchemy of individual and group inner work.

The mission is to explore the urgent issues of our time through the lens of spiritual philosophy, awakening meaning, inner reflection, and outer action.

The Course Features:
  • Inspiring keynote speakers
  • Highlights from the anthroposophical movement
  • Themed discussion groups on diverse topics
  • The warmth of a shared learning community
This course is for beginners as well as those already connected to anthroposophy who feel called to experience it in a new way.

Registration closes October 1, 2021

Six Basic Exercise 
Practice Group
In just 15 minutes a day...

You are invited to join with a group of students and friends in creating an online practice group to support our personal transformation and world healing.  Each weekday we meet for 15 minutes to turn our attention to developing our highest selves.  We are a diverse group of newcomers and old-timers, and we welcome anyone
interested in taking up the exercises.

Begins October 11, 2021

Star Wisdom and Technology
Individual Creativity & 
the Future of Culture

Presenters: Brian Gray, David Tresemer,
and Robert Schiappacasse

This course explores the forces behind the rise of technology and how human culture has been impacted.  We will follow the mythic story of Cain and Abel.  Cain the practical one influenced technology, while Abel the dreamer was closer to Divinity.  How their streams intertwine through history will be examined.  We will explore these concepts through architecture, the rise of scientific discovery, and through the insights and voices of those confronting the trends of contemporary human culture.

Four Sessions

September 30 – Temple Architecture: Shaping the Human Archetype Through History

October 7 – The Fall of Spirits of Darkness and the Rise of Science and Technology

October 21 – From Science to Spiritual Science: Rudolf Steiner, the Renewal of Temple Architecture, and a Path of Meditation Envisioning Our Human Future

October 28 – Cultural Creatives in Our Time: Three Michaelic Leaders in Modern Culture

For more information 
and to register:

Brian Gray
Teacher at Rudolf Steiner College for 38 years, author of star wisdom articles (Journal for Star Wisdom), and presenter of many anthroposophy courses with Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative on

Robert Schiappacasse
Involved for many years in Waldorf education, author of star wisdom articles (Journal for Star Wisdom), and co-author of Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner.

David Tresemer, Ph.D.
Founder of StarHouse, author of star wisdom articles (Journal for Star Wisdom), co-author of Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner, and author of other books.

For more information on Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative, please visit our website where you may:
  • Register for Human Being and the Stars, an online course by Brian Gray.
  • Register for Parzival, an online course by Brian Gray.
  • Register for The Lord's Prayer, an online course by Lelan Harris.
  • Create a free account and be added to our mailing list.
  • Donate to support the production of more courses.
  • Volunteer as a typist, transcriber, or translator.
Art credits:
Feather Passage by Nico Frey on

Spacecraft Dawn's Arrival at Dwarf Planet Ceres (Artist Concept)
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative is a world-wide community that welcomes all who, in the words of Rudolf Steiner, are endeavoring to unite the spiritual element within the human being to the spiritual in the universe.

Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational corporation.
All donations by U.S. donors are tax deductible.

Please add to your contact list so that our communications get past your spam filters.
Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative, PO Box 12575, Reno, Nevada, 89510, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.