Subject: comparison gremlins can get in the way of creativity

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Do the comparison gremlins block your creativity?
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Do you find yourself being stopped in your tracks by the comparison gremlins? Does the competition rob you of your energy and ideas?

If so, I so feel you.

In the past, I would start out with great ideas that filled me with joy and passion. I had lots of energy and was ready to change the world ...or at least my small part of it. I would begin to research and work on my idea, gathering resources and all I needed to bring it to life.

I had the confidence to share the idea with friends and colleagues and was elated when I received glowing feedback. This inspired me to keep working on the idea and share it with others. It felt right, and all of my senses told me it was the "right" thing to do.

As time went on, I began to take notice of other messages. The unsolicited images and messages that flew by on the screens of my computer, smartphone or tablet were making me question myself and my idea. It seemed as though everyone was enjoying a "six-figure launch," "a million-dollar lifestyle," or "30-day weight loss". It made me wonder if my idea was good enough. Could I really call it "good enough" if it did not create a million-dollar launch?

I began to question myself and my idea. My energy waned and I began to feel stuck. My creativity was off and I couldn't access my intuition. I lost focus and began to procrastinate. I withdrew and felt small.

This is when I realized I was spending more time comparing and competing than I was creating. The comparison gremlins, a.k.a. the green monsters, were haunting me and eating away at my confidence. Simply admitting this to myself helped ease the stress. It helped me realize they were thoughts and perceptions not reality. I realized I had a choice of what to read and watch, and what to believe about the messages outside, and inside, my head. It was time to take control and be more intentional about what I was taking in and how I received those messages.

It took time, but I began by limiting my visits to the internet, and when there, was intentional about seeking positive, spirit-lifting people and messages to balance any draining thoughts and feelings. I remembered that community is an important element of joy and success, and began reaching out to people to make more in-person connections.

As I regained the courage to talk about my idea, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was well-received and the original passion started to return. I treated the gremlins of doubt as I would the noise in my head during meditation, i.e., I let them slip by without engaging them.

I complemented this redirect with a gratitude journal and reminded myself of my original intention. I remembered who I wanted to serve and how my idea would satisfy that need. I remembered how my idea was not only about business, but how I could practice my other passion: art and creativity.

With time and practice, I got clear that it is not about what others say, but how I feel about my self-worth. When I believed in myself, the negative thoughts and ideas had a lesser impact. They showed up but did not go deep. With each day my confidence grew, and so did the abundance coming to me and my idea.

I invite you to let go of the comparison game, with others and in your head. Let go of comparing yourself to what others are creating. Allow yourself to be unique and hear your own voice. Let go of the mis-belief that you cannot "beat" your prior success, and know that you have more than one "win" inside you.

Consider how you're defining success. Are you still moving forward and saying "no" to the thoughts and people who are no longer serving you? Are you celebrating the "little" steps forward, and staying in touch with your passion?

Allow the fears and gremlins to rise. Do not resist them, but do not indulge them. Balance them with deep breaths and replace the thoughts with your dream thoughts. Journal, draw, walk, blow bubbles, get out in nature, play with art and musci, have some fun or dance your way out of the stress you feel in your body. Watch how it wains as you stop resisting it and simply do not feed the green gremlin of comparison, negative thoughts and feelings.

Know that I believe in you. Give yourself big hugs, and remember to breathe.

Do these ideas resonate for you? Do you have other ideas for dealing with the comparison gremlins? Please share here or Facebook page.

From my heart to yours,
P.S. Irony is that I'm not good at vulnerable in my blog. this blog sat in draft form for quite some time before i decided to publish it. but, so many women I speak with seem to feel this way i decided to share. hope it helps you in some small way.
KDMcMillan Global, 300 West 135th St, New York, New York 10030, United States
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