Subject: Your Life As Art

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Your Life As Art

Friend, Art is a HUGE factor in all I am and do. I enjoy creating it. I enjoy visiting galleries and admiring it! For years I studied it, and consider getting a degree about collecting it. It inspires my coaching practice, as I nurture the inner artist in each of us.

Personally, I remember the moment when my perspective on my own art changed. It was during a phone conversation with my professional-artist-cousin. I had mentioned that I was “practicing my art with my photography” and she stopped and applauded me for (finally) calling my photography my art.

My daughter inspires me as a living artist, who reads, writes and draws daily.

This took me down a new path ...

Today, as I took my morning walk, surrounded by the art of the Flat Iron District and Greenwich Village, I saw everything around me as art. During that walk, this blog came to me, so hear I share it.

We are all artists. Our world is a studio in which we create our life.

A true artist does not create for others. She creates for herself.

Actually, she does not create art, but allows her art to flow through her, from her deepest knowing and intuition.

She nurtures her connection with Self, her higher power, and her inner artist to support and inspire her to create great art.

It can be black and white, shades of gray, or full of color.

Great art is not flat or dying, but vibrant, alive and full of depth and dimension.

When we step back and behold it, it does not bore us or put us to sleep, but moves us to emotion, to a gentle smile, pure joy, or even tears. And for this emotion, we are grateful. It is affirms we have the heart of an artist.

True art does not come from our mind, it is created from the heArt.

It flows in words, shapes, forms and sounds.

It sings to us, plays for us, plays with us, and makes our life more beautiful.

This beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

When the artist can look at her life and see it as beautiful she knows it is perfect.

It is then that her art becomes a unique creation. Timeless and alive.

I invite you to look at your life as art. Look at it with the eye, mind and heart of an artist.

Don't leave a blank canvas. Bring it to life. Make it yours.

From my heart to yours.
Remember to breathe!
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