Subject: Apologies for the duplicate email

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My apologies Friend.

A thoughtful reader took time to email me and let me know that she received three copies of my Winter Solstice email, and you may have too.  My apologies for these duplicates.  A glitch at my end made it look like you had not received the email and resent it.

I assure you, as I did her, that you are not in my database three times and I do not expect this faux-pas to be repeated.

Thank you for your patience.  I can only hope that you were not totally turned off and still able to enjoy the seasonal wisdom I intended for you to enjoy in the original email about this season of rest, renewal and innovation.

With sincere apologies.

Happy Winter Solstice.  Wishing you the light and love of the season.
KDMcMillan Global, 300 West 135th St, New York, New York 10030, United States
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