Subject: Reconsider Section 8 For Your Rentals

A quick reference for residential investors from WILMOTH Group. Providing creative solutions, strategy, services and support in the residential investment community since 1994. 
Time To Reconsider Section 8 For Your Rentals
As we look back on the pandemic years, rental investors may remember it as the biggest disaster of their entire career. Or some may be wiping their brow and pleased with themselves that they dodged a bullet no Hollywood writer could have conceived.

The difference? 

The investor wiping their brow may have participated in the Housing Choice program commonly called Section 8. Eviction moratoriums have not been a factor for this investor. As long as they maintained their properties, the rent has continued to be received timely, each and every month.

24/7 Hour Protection for Your Property
We are affiliated with an after-hours emergency dispatch service. In the rare event of an after-hours tenant emergency, tenants are provided a toll free number to call.

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Residential Real Estate
Property Management | Brokerage | Investor Services
WILMOTH Group, 9855 Crosspoint Blvd. Suite 148, Indianapolis, Indiana 46256, United States
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