Subject: Will there also be singing?

Yes, there will also be singing.

In the Dark, about the Dark

In the dark times
Will there also be singing?
Yes, there will also be
About the dark times.
--Bertolt Brecht
I love to walk in the dark. Last night I followed the sunset to a back street in the small island town where I'm taking a few days' break.  I'm careful, in my thin boots, to heed the rough stones of the walk, lest I stumble. I smell pine and salt. The wind snaps about my parka. In the dark, every feeling matters so much more, and I'm not overly dependent on one sense.

And then I'm rewarded. At the end of the road, I'm met with the fierceness of wildfire sky, the gentleness of melting beeswax, honeygold, russet, cream, scarlet. Now my eyes receive a gift, after letting go the need to run the show.

I wish for you the sweetness of tuning in to all your creative senses. To let go of the ordinary ways of seeing that are tired and beaten out by too much daylight.

It can seem there is no reward ahead, but breathe and let things go dark. You may or may not find a song. If you need one, come share mine.
Photo: October 26, Fidalgo Island, by Christi Krug
QWildfire QWriting or QFire, as we've come to call it, is simple but powerful writing that requires deep listening. The class is deep listening, virtually, and I'm thrilled that this private version of the 25-year-old class began almost five years ago with an audio class of writers who didn't need bells or whistles or desks or even a meeting space, and wowed me with what they could do. Now, in quarantine times, it is exactly the kind of energy we need. It happens live, Tuesday mornings, 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. in November and December, and I'd be thrilled if you could join us. Here's the link with more info. (Some links are still being worked on, please email and I'll get you registered.)
Our souls are resilient and our minds are imaginative and our spirits are galactic. We can find creativity even in fearful times.
, 87808 Terrace View Drive, Florence, OR 97439, United States
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