Subject: Christi Krug's Wildfire Writing

That Listening Magic

What would happen if you listened to your heart and followed your creative instincts? What would happen if you honored and paid attention to your insights, perceptions, experiences and stories?

Sometimes we need help listening to ourselves.

The Wildfire Writing classes and experiences are as much about listening as they are about creating.

You can write for yourself and create on your own, it's true. But when you have a listener, or a whole roomful of listeners, you can feel the magic.

The Wildfire experience offers you both the give and take of listening. When others read, you listen deeply. Once you've experienced this, you find the wonder and reward in attending to the souls of others. It's a happy addiction. You begin to crave deeper exchanges and listening in your daily world.

If you have been meaning to pop in to the community but haven't had the chance, remind yourself that you can't get that listening magic when you're all alone.

Grab an hour and drop into the Cascade Park Library for Wildfire Wednesday, or check out a Master class (space available!), or sign up for a session of Wildfire Writing I or II.

If you'd like to zero in on solo encouragement and accountability, talk to me about working together as writer and coach. This is an excellent time for new coaching clients.

My ears and I are here . . . ready and willing!   

I invite you to hear my story in:
Listen to Your Mother

a show of live readings celebrating motherhood

Thursday, May 7, 7:30 pm
Alberta Rose Theater
Get tickets
Wildfire Wednesday
Open mic stories & poems, appetizers, and mingling
April 29: "Pajamas" with guest host Diane Cammer
May 27: "When the Weather Changes"
6:05 - 7:50 pm
Cascade Park Community Library
600 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver


  • Thursday, May 14, 6:30 pm: Wildfire Writing II begins at Clark College, Columbia Tech Center, Vancouver. This is your next chance to hop on board the Wildfire train. A practice that enriches your life and brings the rewards of helping you be you.  
  • Wednesday evenings, 6 pm: Wildfire Master Class in Cascade Park. 
  • Thursdays, 9:30 am: Wildfire Master Class in Cascade Park.
  • Tuesday, May 19, Burn Wild Mini-Workshop at TaborSpace in Portland.
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