Subject: Friend🔮In case you missed it. The must have new year news you need.

VIP Newsletter | January 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 1

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

  • Welcome to 2021, a new year, a new future. Many have been awaiting the arrival of 2021, ready to put behind the past year for many reasons. Recent years are always exciting because we don't know (well, with certainty) what the next 12 months will bring.

  • As we enter the new year, we have many of the same problems as the past year, and we often forget about the good things that have come and gone our way. Spend a little time thinking about, even meditating on the positive outcomes we have seen.

    It's time to send positive high universal energy out because what we send out we get back. Don't feel hatred, instead feel understanding and realize all things happen with a purpose.

  • As we kick off the New Year, may you be blessed with Good Health, Great Wealth, and Inner Peace.

    • Dr. Rick


Using Goals to Improve Productivity

 Being productive is a skill that many successful people value. The reason is that when you are fertile, you get more done, make more money, and still experience freedom in your life. One way to accomplish more is to get better at goal setting. 

Goals Provide Focus


When you set goals properly using SMART goal setting practices, you will focus on the results you want to see. When you are results-focused, it’s easier to concentrate on getting it done. 


Goals Enable You to Measure Progress Better


When you have a specific goal set, for example, if you’re writing a book and your goal is to write 1000 words a day, you can measure your progress based on that goal. 


Goals Allow You to Overcome Procrastination 


When you set goals correctly, you’ll also end up with steps to take to reach the goal you set. Taking these action steps in goal planning can be transferred to specific days in your calendar. When you are overwhelmed, look at today’s entry and do only that without thinking about the rest. 


" Each minute is a little thing, and yet, with respect to our personal productivity, to manage the minute is the secret of success."

 - Joseph B. Wirthlin  

 When you write out all your goals on paper, and you can look at what is happening and track your progress, it can be very encouraging to keep ongoing. 

Goals Make Even Hard Processes Easier


As you are setting a goal, if you’re doing it right, you’ll create steps to accomplish the purpose too. You’ll know how you’re going to do it before you start.


Goals Fuel Your Ambition 


The inspiration you’ll gain as you create your goals and the steps to achieving the plan will help you believe in yourself even more than you already do. You can see right on paper how things will happen.


Goals Hold You Accountable


When you set up goals and put the steps to achieving them in your schedule, you can then see where you’re falling short or where you’re going forward. 


Goal Setting Shows You What You Want 


The cool thing about developing goals is looking at the finished plans you create and see what you want out of life. It’s what you focus most on. 


If you want to learn how to set clear goals, do some research about setting SMART goals. This goal setting will be even better for your productivity, as they are better thought out and follow a transparent process. 


  • Ready to Set Your Goals?  I complied with my proven system, which I have used for years to reach my goals. Based on reliable, proven methods that work. Many call it the "SUCCESS SYSTEM THAT NEVER FAILS!" To find out more and get the complete simple system click here:

Goal Realization Made Easy: Your Guide to Reaching All You Want In Life will help you focus on clear goals and teach you how to actualize them using the proper mindset and behavior.

It will steadily steer you in the right direction so that you can attain the results you want.

  • All successful people and millionaires/billionaires indeed have goals, and they know how to reach them. Wouldn't it be great if you can actually acquire their attitudes and be on the right track to success too?


Being More Assertive When You Are Shy

The very first thing you need to do if you want to be more assertive in your life is to understand what bold is and what it isn’t. Being assertive does not mean that you are aggressive. You don’t have to be rude to be decisive. To be more assertive means that you stand up for yourself, speak up at the time that it’s needed, and respect others’ rights.

Prepare and Practice

Whenever you want to be better at something, you can do the best thing is overprepare and practice. You can practice by doing assertive stuff in a small way, such as practicing saying no. But you can also use visualization to practice so that when you find yourself in specific situations, you can fall back on the way you visualized it.

Find a Few Seconds of Courage

You don’t need to be brave for very long to speak up for yourself. You need a few seconds of courage to stand up and say what you wanted to say calmly, clearly, and directly.



"The duty we owe ourselves is greater than that we owe others."

- Louisa May Alcott


Take Choose Your Communication Channel Wisely


When you have something to say that is important to you think about your audience. What is the best way for them to receive the information from you? Is it best heard in person or best in a letter or an email? How about a text. It’s important to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it before doing it.


Act Confident Even When You’re Not


Your granny likely told you to “fake it until you make it” and there is a lot of goodness and truth in that advice. However, don’t think that you’re being dishonest when you act confident, even if you don’t fully feel it right away. Most people aren’t really going to know you’re nervous. Just speak up anyway. The more you do it, the more it’ll feel natural.


Speak Slowly and Remember to Breathe


When you do finally speak up at the right time, take a deep breath, and say what you need to say slowly and clearly. Speaking fast might make you trip over your words and cause miscommunication.


Make Eye Contact with People


A lot of people have issues with eye contact, but they are completely honest people. Even if you have an issue with it, understand that most people in the USA, at least find it off-putting if you don’t make eye contact. But remember you don’t have to make eye contact all the time, just part of the time. It’s not a staring contest.


Know That Saying No is Okay


Learning to say no is part of being assertive. If you’re a people pleaser, it’s easy to get into the habit of always saying yes and being that quiet person that everyone counts on. Try saying no to some of the things you don’t want to do or really don’t have time to do as practice.


Learn to Make “I” Statements


When you speak, since it’s not an academic paper, use “I” statements. I think, and I feel are the ways you can express yourself to others in a way that makes them hear you. Because what you think, and feel is important.


If your issue is genuinely shyness, or about being an introvert, practicing will help you become more assertive. However, if you think you have deeper issues such as social anxiety you may want to speak to a professional to help you move past it. Hiring a counselor or a life coach can help you break through if you’re having issues getting there.


7 Ways to Become More Grateful

The very first thing you need to do if you want to be more assertive in your life is to understand what bold is and what it isn’t. Being assertive does not mean that you are aggressive. You don’t have to be rude to be decisive. To be more assertive means that you stand up for yourself, speak up at the time that it’s needed, and respect others’ rights.

Prepare and Practice 

Whenever you want to be better at something, you can do the best thing 7 Ways to Become More Grateful. 

When you are grateful for something, you will show appreciation for it by saying thank you, but the feeling of gratefulness goes much deeper than just showing thanks. It’s more like a feeling than an action. It starts inside your brain and manifests itself by your actions. To increase your feelings of gratitude, follow these seven ways to become more grateful. 

  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal – One way to become more grateful involves practicing intentional gratefulness by writing down the things you are thankful for each day. You don’t have to be super detailed. Write bullets about your day and the things that brought you that feeling. 

  2. Remember What You’ve Overcome – One way to elicit grateful thoughts is to think about when you overcome something in your life. When you see how far you’ve come, you cannot help but feel good about it. 

  3. Count Your Blessings – Each day, take some time to count your blessings actively. You can do this via prayer and thank your creator for those blessings, or if you prefer, you can think about them as you fall into sleep or meditate. 

  4. Keep Track of Those Things That Make You Feel Grateful – When you live your life if you get a sudden feeling of gratitude, instead of letting it pass, note it. Please write it down so that you can think about it more often.

  5. Tell People Thank You – When people help you, are acceptable to you, polite, and do things for you, always tell them to thank you. Even if it’s their job to do it, be the type of person that is a bright light in their day too by verbally telling them thanks.

  6. Use Positive Language – When you are talking about things, focus on the type of words you use. Try to turn any comments with a negative connotation into positive words instead. 

  7. Fake It till You Make It – While you don’t want to fake feelings, going through the motions by saying thanks, keeping the journal, meditating, and praying will go a long way to triggering the right emotions of gratitude that you can conjure up whenever you need them.

As you focus on gratitude, something interesting will happen to you. You’ll start to notice the smallest things, like the gentle, fragrant breeze after it rains, the smile on your child as he sleeps, and the nice things your spouse does without even thinking about it, like giving you a foot rub for two minutes after work while discussing your day. It all adds up to a good life that you want to feel good.

Valentine's Day Is Only A few Weeks Off, Give The Gift Of Health, Wealth and Peace - Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelet

Obsidian is a natural, volcanic glass. It is a powerful crystal for protection, helping to clear the buildup of psychic smog within your aura. A bodyguard to your soul, the Obsidian stone also protects you from shadow traits -- fear, anxiety, addiction, and anger by acting as a mirror to your inner self. Black Obsidian also resonates with the root chakra as it aids with grounding and connecting to the Earth.

You may have seen similar bracelets offered online that look the same but are low quality, plus you have to wait weeks for them to arrive from China. The ones we have are the highest quality we could find, and we have the right here ready to send, or if local, we can deliver them. Ours also comes in a lovely gift box, black velveteen pouch, and full instructions.

They are selling online for as high as $49.00 plus shipping. We have a special gift offer of $24.97 for one or 2 - for $32.00 with free shipping in the USA.

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