Subject: 🍀Friend Your March VIP News from Dr. Rick is hear.

VIP Newsletter | March 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 3

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

Greetings - Hopefully, our first and last major winter storm has come and gone. As we move into more spring-like weather, I gaze out my window in my home office, and although a bit gloomy today, I can see buds on the tree and a few birds enjoying the day and keeping busy getting next ready.

The birds working together reminds me of relationships and how they take work. A relationship doesn't just happen. It takes teamwork and gives and take. My first article builds better relationships; I'm sure it will remind you of the things needed to build a strong togetherness, both personally and in business.

Those birds are so busy, they have a job to do, and they instinctively know that time is not on their side. What does it take to be productive? In the article, Work Smarter Not Harder to Increase Productivity, I pass on some tips to help you be productive and overcome procrastination.

Words are powerful things; they can build you up or tear you down. It seems we are living in a world where words are everything. To wrap things up, I have some parting "words" on how to make your life and others a bit more positive in How Words Affect Your Whole Life.

Before I go, I wanted to mention that I have several friends and colleagues who have requested Healing Energy be sent their way. If you or a loved one or just a friend needs Healing Energy, send me a note, and I will be mindful in my Healing Energy Meditations,

Please put Healing Request in the subject line.

Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

Tips for Building Relationships

  Building relationships that work takes effort, planning, and an understanding of communication. If you want to build a healthy working relationship that you can trust, you need to develop and maintain good communication skills.


Know Who You Are


Everything you do starts with you. If you don’t know what your own values are or what’s important to you, it will be hard to make good life choices. Define your values and morals so that when you are faced with options, you have some form of criteria to base the decision.


Practice Unflinching Honesty


The thing about honesty is that it doesn’t have to be cruel. This is not about telling someone you don’t like their haircut. This is about being honest and yourself, even if the other person doesn’t like it, without caring about their judgment. It’s about telling your partner what you need but not expecting to hold unreasonable expectations.


Set and Respect Healthy Boundaries


A healthy person knows how to set boundaries with others and say no when they need to. Learn about boundaries if you don’t understand them due to your upbringing to create a relationship that is interdependent but not dependent.



"You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life."


-          Zig Ziglar



Meet Your Own Goals and Objectives


Instead of focusing on what other people think or what they are doing, always place the focus on setting, making, and meeting your own goals in life. When you live up to your own expectations, it encourages others to do better just because you are a good role-model.


Accept That Relationships Change


As you age and grow in life, relationships also change. This is acceptable. For example, if you were 18 when you met your spouse and now, you’re in your 40’s what you thought was true at 18 is not the same now. That doesn’t make your love less than it was before; it’s just different. If you can learn to grow together and expect people to change over the years, the relationship can get even stronger.


Let Go of Expectations


One of the most significant relationship killers is unrealistic expectations. It’s one thing always to expect to be treated with respect. That’s not unrealistic. However, it’s unrealistic to expect someone always to feel the same way you do or act the way you would. Maybe you dry out the tub after every bath, but they don’t and never will. It’s okay. It’s not that important.


Have Fun Together


Laughing together and having a good time builds positive memories. If every interaction you have with someone is serious and dramatic, it’s hard to want to be around the person, even if it’s mostly good.


Learn About Healthy Communication Techniques


Communication is a two-way street, but often we rely too heavily on the other person to understand us. Instead, it’s up to the message giver to ensure that the receiver understands fully what you were trying to communicate.


Appreciate the Other Person


The main thing you need to show the other person in the relationship is your appreciation for them just how they are. When you accept the other person how they are, let them know and tell them how much you appreciate them, even when you disagree.


Building relationships that work take time and patience. Additionally, defining what you believe is a good relationship and what you both want out of the relationship can go a long way to ensuring that you set yourself up for success in any relationship you want to forge.

What Is In Store For You? Life does not have to be a mystery. Find out with a Personally Prepared Relationship Numerology Chart for 2021. What does the coming year have in store for or that special someone? Click here for details on your personal chart prepared personality and month readings for the next full 12 months. Prepared by Dr.Rick, A Level 2 Certifed Numerologist. CLICK THIS LINK NOW FOR DETAILS:


Work Smarter Not Harder to Increase Productivity


Becoming more productive at home and work requires planning, scheduling, and paying close attention to the impact of your actions. After all, productivity is not about being busy; it’s about getting stuff done.


Track Your Time – Before you set up a new schedule for increased productivity, you must figure out where you’re wasting your time first. Start keeping track of the activities you do, including the time it takes and the effect of the action.


Systemize & Automate – Note the tasks that you do that can be automated using technology or other resources to get them done. For the rest of the tasks you do yourself, create a system to get them done faster and effectively.


Create Routines and Develop Habits – For many things you do, you’ll do more of it if you make it a part of your everyday routine so that it becomes a habit. Whether it’s unloading the dishwasher every morning first thing or taking an after-dinner walk, these are the things you’ll stick to long term.



"The most successful men work smart, not hard"


- Bangambiki Habyarimana


Batch Actions – Take a look at your list of tasks and put like things with like things or location-dependent things together. For example, if you know you must deliver your dry cleaning every two weeks (and pick it up), what else can you get done in that area of town?


Say “No” More – You don’t have to do everything for everyone. You can say no. Before saying yes, always look at your schedule and your goals. Does the task reflect your values or get you closer to your goals?


Set Deadlines – Even if they are self-imposed, setting deadlines for the things you want to accomplish helps ensure that they get done promptly. For example, if you’ve set a goal that you want to walk 10,000 steps a day, you may set a deadline that by a date in the future, you’ll have worked your way up to walking 10,000 steps every day by increasing your steps each day.


Stop Multitasking – No one can do two things at once that require conscious thought. Not convinced? Set up a no multitasking rule for the next thirty days, and you’ll be shocked at how much faster you are.


Prioritize Based on Impact – As you set your to-do list, look at the impact the action provides toward your goals. Focus on the effects so that what you do the most accomplishes the most.


Include Rest & Breaks in Schedules – Don’t over-schedule yourself. You might think that means you’re getting more done, but everyone needs to have a balanced life as they can.


Celebrate Success – When you achieve a goal that you’ve set, always celebrate your achievements. The more you experience the feeling of success, the more you’ll want to repeat it.


If you want to get more done by working smarter, not harder, while increasing your productivity, it all starts with setting clear goals tied to actions that create the most impact toward reaching that goal. That way, you can avoid doing things just for the feeling of being productive and really get to the point that you get things done.



How Words Affect Your Whole Life

From the time you can hear words formed, even before you know what they mean, your mind can differentiate between negativity and positivity. Part of that is the way we say negative words versus the way we say positive words in nature. What is clear about these words is that negative words can affect your whole life in a bad way.


Acknowledge the Past


If you’ve experienced or spoken a lot of negative words in your lifetime, it’s possible that today, you have issues that are still affecting you today. Childhood is very powerful and can affect your entire life. Looking at and exploring the past isn’t so that you can focus on the negativity but instead so you can practice turning negativity into positivity.


Stop Name-Calling Yourself or Others


To let go of negative words, start with name-calling. Even if it starts as a joke, these types of things can really get under a person’s skin and affect them for life. If you were called “chubby” or “fat” or anything else that society deems harmful, even if it was meant as a term of endearment, it could cause negative emotions.



“We seldom realize, for example, that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.”

― Alan Watts

Redirect Self-Depreciating Words and Self-Talk


If you think negative things like “my hair sucks” or “I’m too ugly” or anything else that is negative about yourself as you go through your day, learn to change those worse into positive words. Redirecting that self-talk can make a big difference for you.


Do Not Gossip


Even good gossip is wrong unless you’re planning a surprise party. Talking about people behind their back in any way is harmful. It can lead to misunderstandings and even more gossip, and if you did say something negative, even if you meant it in a well-meaning way, it wouldn’t be taken that way.


Let Go of Negative Thoughts


It depends on your personality, but you can turn it around to train your brain to look on the bright side even if you think first of the negative thing. If you wake up and it’s raining, but you wanted to go for a walk, instead of being upset, change your plans and do something else without getting cynical about it.


Use More Positive Words


As you move through your day, find new words to describe things. For example, if you go out to dinner and the dinner is good, instead of saying it’s good, try finding more positive words to describe it and blow the description out of the water with the positivity you use.


Finding ways to surround yourself with positivity and positive words can uplift you and everyone around you more than almost anything else. Even if you don’t initially feel it, it’s just like when you smile to make yourself feel better. After a moment of smiling, it starts working, and you do feel a little better. The same thing can be said about accepting the damage from negative words and thoughts, and then focusing on turning that around will make you feel a lot happier and self-confident.

FREE BONUS FOR VIP MEMBERS - 10-meditation booklet and audio meditation music. There is no sign-up; download the pdf eBook file now (the music bonus link is in the booklet. Please use and share.

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Saturday at 9 AM ES

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