Subject: 😍 Friend, Don't Procrastinate (learn how) Your VIP Newsletter is Here.

VIP Newsletter | February 2021 | Vol 2 Issue 2

From the desk of Dr. Rick...

Unexpected things do happen to all of us. I am no exception, and the newsletter is running a bit late because last week my main desktop computer decided to call it quits after nearly ten years of faithful service. If you have ever had a computer crash on you, you know what a pain it is to get things transferred over and started again. Fortunately, this is not my first radio with this happening, and each time I learn faster ways to get things done. One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give is to back everything up on a cloud; it makes it so much easier to reload things, and the loss of files is minimal.

Here is February, and love is in love, and so is the Covid19 virus. It has taken a great toll on many things, but you can avoid many of the pitfalls that cause the virus to attach itself to us with proper holistic health. Proper sleep, healthy eating, and hygiene go a long way to prevent us from falling into the trap of the virus. Mental health is important as well in these times. I have included a special article on meditation tips to keep us focused and reduce stress, and you can get my free booklet and mediation music audio for free below.

Sue will have a booth at the Cabin Fever Craft Show on February 6th (info below), displaying many of the popular items that Indego Elephant Gifts offers, including the popular Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelets. These make ideal gifts and come gift boxed with instructions and a velvet pouch.

How we feel about things is often developed in our subconscious mind. You will learn how to control the subconscious in Train Your Subconscious Mind to Improve Your Life and learn how to get things done with the informative How to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done, so let's dig in and may you have Health, Wealth, and Inner Peace. - Dr. Rick

Train Your Subconscious Mind to Improve Your Life

  Your subconscious mind controls your thoughts and many of your actions. It stores the information you have acquired and allows you to retrieve it when you need it. When you live a mindful life, you know your conscious mind is in control of your subconscious mind, and therefore you can train your subconscious mind to improve your life.


Know That You Have the Power to Change â€“ With few exceptions, you can change your current life to start living the life of your dreams. With realistic goals, there is no reason you cannot achieve everything you want to do.


Embrace & Learn from Failure â€“ Many people won't try new things because they are afraid to fail. What they don't realize is that everyone fails at times. It's the nature of things. Oftentimes, learning from those failures allows those same people to succeed the next time they try.


Permit Yourself to Succeed â€“ On the other side, some people are terrified of success. They see success as having more responsibility or some other negative. Instead, think of it as a challenge that you can conquer. Success is easy once you set your mind to it.


"As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment."


- Joseph Murphy



Ignore and Avoid Naysayers â€“ Generally speaking, your life is filled with two types of people; those who support you and those who don't. Surround yourself with the supportive ones and distance yourself from the rest. Removing that negativity from your life opens your subconscious mind to more positive thoughts.


Surround Yourself with People Who Celebrate You â€“ When you find a new way of doing something or learning something new, if you can surround yourself with people who love that thing too, you’ll open up incredible opportunities for awesome positive thoughts.


Speak Your Goals as Fact â€“ When you talk about your goals, speak in facts. Instead of saying, “I hope to $50,000 by the time I’m 30,” state, "I will save $50,000 by my 30th birthday". Then put your plan into action to do just that.


Meditate Every Day â€“ Study after study shows that meditation helps people reach their goals in life. If you want to control your subconscious mind, this is one of the best ways to do it.


Focus on Gratitude â€“ Every day, take time to appreciate what you have. Think about the things you are grateful for. When you focus on gratitude, your subconscious mind becomes more positive.


Training your subconscious mind to improve your life focuses on positivity, gratitude, and solutions instead of problems. Positively voice your truth, and you’ll be surprised at what the world gives back to you.

LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE VALENTINES GIFT? How about a Personally Prepared Relationship Numerology Chart for 2021. What does the coming year have in store for You and that special someone? Click here for details on your personal chart prepared by Dr.Rick just for you:


How to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done


Procrastination is defined as the action of delaying or postponing something. Sometimes that means being late; sometimes, it means being on time but not doing an excellent job. Usually, when someone is procrastinating, they’ll find every excuse not to do what needs to be done, often busying themselves with other activities to avoid guilt.


1.    Get Organized â€“ Sometimes, people put things off simply because they’re overwhelmed, and everything seems like too much. When you get organized, you can eliminate busywork and focus more on what really needs to be done.


2.    Develop Clear Goals â€“ Everything you do should relate to your goals. When you write goals, make sure you can measure them by being very specific about what success looks like.


3.    Create Step-By-Step Actions â€“ Once you’ve created a goal, break it down into components with step by step actions that lead you to the result that you desire. The small steps that help you get there should not be overwhelming.



"Procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder."


- Mason Cooley


1.    Create a Schedule with Deadlines â€“ From the steps, put them in your calendar with time limits and deadlines. Make sure that you do give yourself enough time, but don’t give yourself too much time.


2.    Eliminate Distractions â€“ No one can multitask. You’d be shocked to learn how many hours you waste in a day trying to do more than one thing at a time. Studies show that multitasking wastes about 40 percent more time than focusing.


3.    Systemize and Automate â€“ Some tasks that you do regularly can be automated. All tasks should be systemized so that you do them the same way each time. It’ll make you faster and help you avoid trying to get out of it.


4.    Form Habits â€“ Just like people have bad habits; people can have good habits. Turn the things you need to do into habits by doing them at the same time, in the same way, so that you look forward to it.


5.    Celebrate Success â€“ When you meet a goal or even part of a goal, take the time to celebrate it. Reward yourself or others who were involved in fulfilling the goal.


6.    Let Go of Perfection â€“ While you do want to do things to the best of your ability, no one is ever going to be perfect. Often the perfection you’re shooting for doesn’t exist. Let it go and get done.


7.    Follow Your Schedule â€“ Once you set up a schedule, follow it for a long time before changing it. You can check your metrics to find out if it’s working and adjust but try not to deviate from your schedule too much.


The best way to eliminate procrastination is to stop doing things you dislike doing and let someone else do them or bite the bullet and do the thing according to schedule without thought or judgment.

Tips for More Effective Meditation

Many people have found meditation to be helpful in many areas of life. It can improve your mood, your health, and your entire life. It reduces stress and depression and increases your resilience. If you want to experience all these benefits, it’s essential to learn the basics from an expert.


Chose the Right Location


Make it easy to meditate whenever you want to by choosing a set location in your home and, if possible, at work, that you can take a few minutes out of your day to meditate comfortably. You don’t want it to be too hot, too cold, too hard, or uncomfortable, but you don’t want to fall asleep either.


Dress Comfortably


It’s hard to get relaxed to meditate if you have tight clothing and a tie strangling you. At the very least, loosen your clothing so that you can sit without focusing on any material constricting you in any way.


Sit Properly with The Correct Posture


When you sit to meditate, set your posture the right way according to the type of meditation you are doing. Most people sit “crisscross apple sauce” with their back straight on the floor. Alternatively, in a straight back chair with your feet on the floor.


Close Your Eyes


When meditating, you don’t want things to intrude on your session. You don’t want to think about what you see, what you feel, or even what you are thinking about. Closing your eyes can help block out your surroundings so that you can focus on being.

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."




As you close your eyes to start meditating, smile with your whole face, not just your mouth. As you are meditating in that way, you’ll trigger more happy hormones to release, making meditating even more powerful and effective.


Focus on Your Breathing 

It does depend on the type of practice you’re engaging, but for the most part, you’ll want to draw in the air through your nose slowly and then exhale slowly through the mouth. Some types of meditation use different speeds of breath. You can do it how you want to, but you should focus on it so that you are bringing in the air to your diaphragm with each breath.


Use a Mantra


You’ll need to discover your mantra, and you can have more than one. A mantra is going to help you boost your meditation practice in ways you may not realize. It enables you to focus on now, but it can also make now, but it can also make you more positive.


Set a Timer


It’s hard at first to get through even 5 minutes of meditation. For this reason, if you want to be successful, set a timer to focus on the process and stop checking the clock.


Mediation is very beneficial for everyone at every stage of life. Children can also benefit from daily meditation. The practice of meditation allows you to quiet your mind to experience peace whenever you need to truly.


FREE BONUS FOR VIP MEMBERS - 10-meditation booklet and audio meditation music. There is no sign-up; simply download the file (the music bonus link is in the booklet. Please use and share.

This year Popular Valentines Gift - Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelet

Obsidian is a natural, volcanic glass. It is a powerful crystal for protection, helping to clear the buildup of psychic smog within your aura. A bodyguard to your soul, the Obsidian stone also protects you from shadow traits -- fear, anxiety, addiction, and anger by acting as a mirror to your inner self. Black Obsidian also resonates with the root chakra as it aids with grounding and connecting to the Earth.

You may have seen similar bracelets offered online that look the same but are low quality plus you have to wait weeks for them to arrive from China. The ones we have are the highest quality we could find and we have the right here ready to send or if local we can deliver them. Ours also comes in a nice gift box, black velveteen pouch, and full instructions.

Selling online for as high as $49.00 plus shipping. We have a special gift offer of $24.97 for one or 2 - for $32.00 with free shipping.

Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelet
Option 1 $24.97 USD Option 2 $24.97 USD Option 3 $24.97 USD

Our first public event for 2021 will be SATURDAY AT 9 AM EST.

Cabin Fever Craft Show

Saturday, February 6, 9 am till 1 pm.

Walbridge VFW 9963 109 N.Main St. Walbridge, Ohio

For Details Click Here
Event by VFW 9963 Walbridge Oh

Walbridge VFW 9963 109 N.Main st

Saturday at 9 AM ES

Craft Show Feb.6th, 2021 9 am -1 pm Hosted by Walbridge VFW 9963, 109 N. Main St Walbridge, For Craft Show information, you can call Richard @ 419-

Northwestern Ohio's Premier Online Metaphysical Gift Store | Over 4,000 Choice Items.

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