Subject: When 'Having It All' is still not enough

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Hi Friend

We’re looking for busy, mid-career professional women who struggle to feel genuinely fulfilled despite ‘having it all’. The women we work with feel pretty strongly about this. Some even secretly resent their 'amazing lives' (and feel guilty about that). They wish they could make different choices and challenge their own status quo. But they’re scared everything they’ve built might unravel ... 

If this is something you’d like to talk through, we’d love to help you. We can dig in and work one-on-one with you to help you overcome this feeling of being trapped. It IS possible to re-shape your life and gain fresh momentum.

This opportunity costs you nothing but your time

The first thing we’ll do is help you understand the fear and uncertainty that keeps you staying ‘safe’ while inwardly you’re hungering for something more, or something different. We get that you might be feeling fed up. We know you’re quietly frustrated ... and we understand some of the reasons why you haven’t taken action yet.

We’d love to invite you onto one of our ‘Clarity Calls’.

There’s no charge for this and it only takes 35 - 50 minutes for us to do together. It doesn’t take us to long to get to the heart of what’s happening, and help you put in place a plan for where to start.

At the end of this initial breakthrough session one of these three things will happen:
  1. You love the shifts and tips we give you and decide to implement them on your own. If this is the case, we’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with us to let us know how you’re doing.

  2. You love the plan and ask to become our client so we can personally help you activate the plan and support you along the way to ensure your results.

  3. In the unlikely and unprecedented event that you feel like you wasted your time, we will give you a copy of our book, I Don’t Have Time - 15-minute Ways to Shape A Life You Love. That’s right, we will gift this to you to help you take the first steps in your new direction.
It really is that straightforward and there’s no catch.

The ‘worst’ that can happen is you get a fresh pair of eyes on your issue, and a mindset plan free of charge …

And the best that can happen is we work together to regain your positivity and confidence, in a professional, fun and supportive environment.

This is a gift for women feeling demotivated and stuck.

Here’s how it’ll work:

First, we get on the phone one-on-one and go over your current situation.
We take a look at what you’ve got, what you’re doing, and what you want to achieve going forward.

We dive in to pinpoint your biggest areas for change, as well as identify the low-hanging fruit that could really turn your situation around.

Once we have that foundation, we help you come up with a plan of action to get clear on your biggest goal and the first achievable steps you’ll take towards it.

There are a number of ways we might do this for you.

For example, we might show you how to flip the switch on your procrastination and rediscover your drive. Perhaps we’ll talk through how you’re stuck in a particular area, even if you’re pretty content with everything else.

And if you have setbacks and doubts, we’re bound to get you back on track. We believe it’s never the fall that counts, but how you rise from it.

Why would we offer this free of charge?

Two reasons:

First of all, we LOVE it. This type of thing is what we do best, and it’s hugely rewarding for us to contribute to positive change in women’s lives. We love to see women just like you regain their confidence and optimism (and all that comes with it) as a result of the help we give them.

Second, it’s how we attract great clients. Here’s how that works:

Assuming you’re happy and you want us to be there by your side to deliver these types of strategies for you all the time, you’ll probably want to continue working together long term so we can help you implement them.
If this is the case, we might invite you to become a member of our 12-month group coaching program, ‘The Reinvention Project’.

But look, if you don’t want to become a client, don’t worry about it. We honestly don’t mind one way or another – you can take the plan and implement it yourself, or you can walk away entirely.

Why would we do this?

BECAUSE WE LOVE HELPING women longing to regain focus, excitement and momentum in their lives (because we’ve been there too).

And we’re happy to put it on the line like this because we know that if we spend the time together, you’re going to get some amazing shifts.

Our approach works, and we know that if we work together, you’ll get results.

Consider this:

Over the past 9 years, we’ve focused on helping women overthrow their doubts and fears and overwhelm and get moving toward their big dreams.

We’ve managed to weather massive storms ourselves, grief, loss, flagging motivation, ‘sandwich generation’ pressures … and we have risen from the fire more driven and focused than ever …

We’ll get a LOT of interest from this letter, often from women who’ve been watching from the sidelines for some time, and know now is the best time to act.

And that’s why we need you to read this next part carefully:

This is NOT for everybody.
Here’s who we CAN help:

While we love helping everyone through our book, blog, free programs and social media, we’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed working privately with clients.

Here it is:

1. You have to want to change.

This offer is for women who are sick of the rollercoaster of energy and motivation, who are feeling exhausted and want to bring about lasting change to their attitudes and expectations from life. It’s for women who’ve realised they’ve hit a heap of serious professional and personal goals in their life, and that’s great (they’re justifiably proud), but the sticky issue is that their heart’s not in it. They’re just not feeling it, anymore.

Our programs aren’t for women who don’t want to take advice on board, or who come up with endless excuses not to do the work. We learnt over the years that we won’t work with people who do that — it’s not productive for any of us.

2. You should know or sense you want to rise above alienating the people who have a set view of how your life should look.

Our work with women addresses the debilitating impact of being ‘all things to all people’. Some dreams ruffle feathers. You need to care more about the goal than about ‘what people think’. If that feels scary, that’s actually good. If it doesn’t — are you dreaming big enough?

3. You MUST commit to taking action out of our work together. (Don’t worry, we won’t ask you to do anything too weird.)

After all, if you don’t actually implement the stuff we give you, we won’t get you results.

That’s it! Those are all our requirements.

Here’s what we want you to do next

If you meet the criteria above and would like to talk to one of us personally about getting you incredible outcomes, then we’ll happily set aside some time for you.

Here’s how the process works:

First, you’ll need to fill in an application. Don’t worry, it’s really simple.

We just need to know what your biggest mindset challenge is right now, get an idea of what you want to accomplish, and so on.

Then ...

Once we have your application, we’ll send you a link to a Calendly booking page so you can book in our Clarity Call, which will be around 45 minutes.

This is where we really begin working to figure out exactly what you want … and how to make it happen.

We’ll discuss your desires for 2019, your stumbling blocks … and we’ll deliver a plan to begin to turn things around.

If you see the value in becoming one of our high level clients, great! We can talk about it.

And if you don’t want to become a client - that’s OK too. We’ll part as friends and you will walk away with some ideas for where to next from the knowledge and experience we will share with you.

If you tell us we’ve wasted your time, we’ll give you a copy of our book FREE.

So you really can’t lose.


This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with results.

Around our existing client commitments, we’ve set aside a number of sessions for these Clarity Calls during the next few weeks.

Also, you should realise there’s a very large demand for personal one-on-one help from us, and what we’re offering to you is time-sensitive. 2019 is just around the corner, and you have the power to shape a very different future if you want to.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.

Chat soon
Audrey & Emma x

PS Just click through here to answer a couple of simple questions to apply for your Clarity Call.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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