Subject: What have people achieved during our free trial?

A month is a long time in Fast Forward Coaching

With someone holding you accountable for the actions you want to take, you can make significant progress. You can apply for our free 30-day Fast Forward accountability coaching trial here. Previous participants have used the free challenge to be held accountable to:
  • Edit a 90,000-word novel
  • Streamline a business marketing strategy for better work-life balance
  • Prepare detailed evidence for a difficult workplace process
  • Stop procrastinating and make decisions on a path forward in business
  • Stick to an exercise and nutrition regime
  • Commit to specific self-care actions
  • Read a book that had been on the ‘must read’ pile for over a year
  • Plan for and prepare a home for sale
  • Implement a new system to prioritise important tasks and goals
In a month, you could use our program to:
  • Lose a few kilos (with medical approval & advice of course)
  • Learn to run a few kilometres from a standing start
  • Declutter your home or garage
  • Put in place the admin to start a new business
  • Update your CV and apply for jobs
  • Write 50,000 words
  • And more …
All the details of the free challenge are here. We’d love to help you kick start some positive momentum and start ticking important things off your list. 

From one of free 30-day challenge clients ...

"I'm feeling really pumped and motivated. You offered another perspective I hadn't considered, which I am grateful for."

Any questions, hit reply and we’re here to help.

Looking forward to meeting on a call soon!

Audrey & Emma x

PS Curious about how our individual coaching could work for you? Check out all the details of our free 30-day challenge offer here.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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