Subject: Our long-awaited sequel ...

It's nearly ready!

We're not far off sharing with you our new book! We’re calling it, The Reinvention Project: Because life’s too short to faff around.

It was inspired by a sense of urgency arising out of deep loss, and further fuelled by a realisation in 2020-21 that we’d taken for granted opportunities we had to ‘seize the day’.

Here's an excerpt from the introduction:

"The rug was ripped out from underneath seven billion people at once. With personal plans in disarray, life as we knew it was thwarted by an emergency bigger than all of us. Gap year travel was cancelled. Weddings were off. Jobs were lost. Families were separated. People sheltered in place, and did it with varying degrees of comfort and physical and mental safety.

The pandemic schooled us in responding to uncertainty. It shook us from the fairytale that the rest of our lives stretch luxuriously before us, offering endless, unbroken opportunities to do all the things we want, whenever we feel like it.

The ‘better time’ we’re waiting for is not guaranteed. It never was. Many of us have been living in a state of ‘perpetual potential’ for years, shelving ideas, deferring plans, waiting til we feel ‘ready’ or until the kids are older, or we’ve lost weight or landed a better job.

We’re playing Russian roulette with our dreams. We’re assuming (based on a wing and a prayer) that when we’re finally ‘ready’, we’ll still be around and will have capacity to deliver on these plans.
If we’re middle aged, we’re banking on our health and strength and mobility holding out well into what we imagine might be the second half of our lives (but who knows?) And we just hope the world is ready for us by the time we’re in a better position to chase our dreams. Because it’s one thing to curtail our plans ourselves, but quite another to have our plans thrown into seemingly never-ending turmoil by forces beyond our control.

We did not sign up for this chaos!"
We’re excited to share our work, including many of our favourite practical tools. The Reinvention Project picks up where our first book, I Don’t Have Time, left off. We do have time, so how will we step into it courageously? What are we driven to do? Where do we really want to go? How do we want to live? Who do we really want to be …

It’s so great to be back at the keyboard, pulling together some of our best stuff. So, brush off those bucket lists, yes, even while the pandemic rages on …

We can't wait to share it with you soon!

Emma & Audrey x
PS. Keen to work with us?

If you haven't read it, grab a copy of our book I Don’t Have Time.

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