Subject: 2020 … best excuse yet?

Alas, the world’s ills will not magically evaporate on 1 January 2021. There’s no denying this year is challenging, and continues to bring unwelcome surprises. It also provides a universally acceptable catch-all excuse. Each of us will have a unique ‘2020 story’ to tell. To an extent, we can choose how we tell that story and where to take it next. 

For us, the bottom fell out of our training business early on, and we scrambled to regroup and change direction. We were battered by various other challenging things as the year pressed on, and on, and on …

But no matter what happens in our lives, here’s an uncomfortable truth. If we want to get somewhere in any area that’s important to us we only have two real options:

Play the cards we’re dealt


Do nothing (or retreat) and hope things will change

It’s past mid-November. Adelaide (where many of our readers are based) is gripped with uncertainty. We’re certainly not here for a one-size-fits-all Pollyanna pep talk. The following invitation may be just what you need to read right now, or perhaps it won’t resonate, and either response is completely valid.

Last month, we offered our community 30 days of free Fast Forward Coaching. Several of the women who joined us found the unlimited 15-minute accountability sessions so valuable, they’ve decided to join us in a year’s worth of coaching.

It was so rewarding, we want to do it one more time in 2020!

We want to help you make progress despite difficulties, and hit 2021 with refreshed vigour, no matter what else is going on.

Call it resilience or focus or tenacity or grit — sometimes it’s about drawing on strength in the face of uncertainty and setback. We’re experienced in doing just that through personal tragedy and grief, and from being tested professionally. 2020 is a (pretty big) spanner in the works — of course it is. But it won’t be the last spanner we deal with, and we’re of the view that life is short. It’s never perfect. And we don’t know about you, but we’ve got things we want to accomplish despite obstacles the world throws in our way.

Choose flexibility. Find other ways through. 

Dig deep into your own inner resources and let’s get ready to make things happen. 

Places are limited as there’s only so much time available in our calendars. You’ll find all the details and a simple application process here.

Any questions, hit reply and we’re here to help.

All the best

Audrey & Emma x

PS Curious about how our individual coaching could work for you? Check out all the details of our free 30-day challenge offer here.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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